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5 Tech Tips for a New Office Spaces For Rent In Overland Park, Kansas

5 Tech Tips for a New Office Spaces For Rent In Overland Park, Kansas

Technology is an important part of any office space for lease in Overland Park, Kansas, especially in this age of ever developing technology in the business world. The tech infrastructure is becoming one of the key features in most office spaces and is very important to most business owners. So while you are looking for an office space for rent in Overland Park, make sure to keep these five technology concerns in mind to ask a landlord about, as outlined in “Moving to a New Office? 7 Questions You Need to Ask About Tech“:

1)  Wired Certified

One of the annoying hassles that might come with moving into a new office building is trying to fit it with all the necessary wiring for Internet and telephones. Having a team of IT consultants might help, but even then the information will be secondhand and would be difficult to gauge the accuracy of the of their assessment. What’s the best way to deal with this situation and stay ahead? Probably make sure the building is Wired Certified. This means that the building has been confirmed that it can support an internet-driven business and you don’t have to deal with any inaccurate out-of-date information.

2) Telecom Services

Telecom companies offer a range options for people trying to find good service in an area. Companies offer deals ranging from independent fiber options to leasing telephone lines through larger telecom businesses. It’s good to determine which options are best for your business before you move into a space, so you might consider consulting with a trusted IT person who could guide you in assessing some of your requirements.

3) Existing Tech Issues

Getting to know your office neighbors is beneficial for a lot of reasons – one of which is that they know what kind of technology the building is equipped with and whether or not it functions as it should. Knowing about any problems the other tenants had while moving in and the insider knowledge on recommendations for telecom providers and Internet services that they’ve already done the research for can cut the time you spend figuring it out for yourself. Also its just good business to get to know your future neighbors!

4) Setting Up Equipment

To avoid any problems and delays, you may want to get your business up and running in a new space as soon as possible, which means making sure any technology equipment in the building is situated for your arrival. You can avoid setbacks by making sure that the office has all of the equipment that they say they do – for example, you may come across some places that advertise fiber cable service but in reality doesn’t have the setup. So be prepared for adding extra construction costs if this something that you need.

5) New Provider

If necessary, consider asking your landlord for a new provider as part of the negotiation process. This could be one point of contention for you if the landlord has a specific provider dedicated to your building, but it is still worth looking into and negotiating for a different telecom provider if it is the difference between making or breaking you interest in the space. Sometimes brokers are willing to work with you to meet these requirements.

If you are getting ready to move into a new office space, make sure that you have done your homework to make sure your business has access to any technology that it needs!

So if you are looking to rent office space in Overland Park make sure to check out our Kansas office spaces that are for rent and give one of our brokers a call at 913-685-4100, to set up a tour of our office spaces for lease in Overland Park, Kansas.

Finding Office Spaces for Rent in Overland Park, KS: 5 Tips for a Small Business Moving to a Professional Office Space

1379 SF of Office Rental Space in Kansas City Available in Building II at Southcreek Office ParkMoving out of the home and into a professional office space for rent in Overland Park, KS, is a big step for a startup business. This upgrade can be both a source of angst and excitement as you navigate trying to find a space that meets your needs and is within your price range. As you begin this search, make sure you are equipped with the right tools to get the best possible deal. Check out these tips on finding the best space for your growing business, as suggested in the article “7 Expert Tips on Finding the Perfect Office Space for Your Startup”:

#1 Calculate Space

The first step in finding the best possible office space for rent in Overland Park for your business is to determine how much space you really need. Different experts give different numbers, but one good baseline calculation is to allow about 1000 square feet per four employees. Remember that there are options for making your space more flexible, such as allowing some employees to work from home and thus share desks, or creating various work areas for different purposes if you have employees with laptops who can be mobile.

#2 Consider Employees

When selecting a new space, you always want to consider the effect it will have on your employees. Will they have to travel father to get to this space? Are there good parking or public transport options? Choosing a location that suits your workforce will help you keep good employees around.

#3 Check Up On Your Landlord

A bad landlord can have a really negative impact on your time in a space, so make sure you do your homework to get a read on the landlord of a property. Start by talking to other tenants in the building to see how the landlord deals with problems, and you should be able to make some judgments when you visit a space based on how well-maintained it is.

#4 Find a Good Agent

When looking for an agent to work with, it is always best to go with someone who comes with a good recommendation. This person is going to be one of your biggest assets in negotiating a good lease, so you want someone that a friend or collague can vouch for. At the very least, do a little research on potential agents on sites like Zillow or LinkedIn.

#5 Negotiate, Negotiate, Negotiate!

Don’t take anything at face value when negotiating your lease, including the rental rate. Often businesses can negotiate down the listed rent by 5 to 20%, or ask for a period of free rent – for example, one month of free rent for every year of your lease. Try for what you can, and know that worst case scenario the landlord simply says no.

If you are a small business finally moving out of the home and into a professional Kansas office space for rent, try to break down the big process into manageable pieces – determining how much space you need, what effect the move will have on your employees, finding a good agent and then landlord, and negotiating anything you can in your lease. Performing due diligence in your search for a space can really shape the course of your business in the long run!

If your business is trying to rent office space in Overland Park, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out more about our available office space for lease in Overland Park, KS, or to set up a tour of one of our spaces!

Office Space for Lease Overland Park, KS: Lease Problems to Look Out For

Office Space for Lease Overland Park, KS: Lease Problems to Look Out For

Since business owners typically only look for new Kansas office space for rent every three to five years, each rental process can feel like starting completely from scratch again. There are a variety of factors to consider, such as market conditions, finding a real estate agent to represent you and comparing all suitable properties in the area. Here are a few pitfalls to look out for when leasing commercial property in Overland Park, KS, as outlined in the article “10 Critical Issues When Leasing Or Buying Commercial Real Estate”:

#1 Choose Real Estate Agents Carefully

Finding a real estate agent or broker can be a difficult process to navigate, since sometimes brokers are representing both parties or only the landlord. If a broker is representing the landlord, their goal is going to be to to protect the interests of their employer. Beware also of companies who provide a different agent to represent each company, as this situation still can be a conflict of interests if they are hired by the property owner, despite the fact that they are different individuals. However, if you stay on top of your own interests and make sure they are prioritized, the advice of a broker employed by the landlord can still be valuable. But note too that even if these representatives are paid for by the property owner, the cost is ultimately passed on to you the tenant, so make sure that you are getting a good and experienced broker so you get your money’s worth.

#2 Look Beyond the Listings

Remember that the listing for a property should just be a starting point and not your only major source of information about a space. Do some research to find out about all available spaces in an area and which landlords are really looking to lease—and thus might be more willing to negotiate. You will also need to do some wider research to find out about market conditions, the benefits of different locations, potential client demographics, and bottom line prices for each property. Remember that the asking price in a listing is just the starting point for negotiations—tenants can usually either lower the price or ask for additional incentives or concessions in their lease.

#3 Get it in Writing

A big mistake tenants can make is not getting every aspect of negotiations in writing. This includes every promise, agreement, concession, warranty, etc. Making sure that every term and clause that is important to you makes it into the lease will prevent any disagreements or misunderstandings down the line.

Leasing commercial real estate involves some real awareness and an investment of your time and energy to come out with a good deal. Make sure that you are verifying all information, sticking to your budget, asking questions, and keeping in mind a clear picture of your business’s needs—then don’t be afraid to negotiate for what you want.

If your business is interested in commercial office space for rent in Overland Park, KS, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out more about our office spaces for rent in Overland Park, KS, or to set up a tour!

Commercial Property Overland Park, KS: Finding the Best Location

Commercial Property Overland Park, KS: Finding the Best Location

If you are trying to find an office space for rent in Overland Park, one of the most important questions you are probably asking yourself is “Where is the best location?” This is a huge factor in renting commercial real estate, and it’s a complex question with a lot of aspects to consider since it will have such a long-term effect on your business. Here are a few things to think about while looking for your ideal location, as outlined in the articles “Finding a Business Location” and “Researching Your Local Market”:

Personal Interests

This may not seem like a business question, but if you are planning to move your business to a new location—possibly even in a new city or state—it is important to consider what it will be like for you to live in this new place. Even if your business is doing well, it is hard to be happy in a place you don’t like, and with families and children there are factors to consider like neighborhoods and school systems. So in the long run, take the bit of extra time to find out if a potential location is both a good personal and business choice.

Determine Square Footage

Brokers will want to show you the biggest and flashiest spaces to get the biggest commission possible, so it is important before you see anything to get a set idea of how much space your business actually needs. If you only need 4000 SF of space to function comfortably, renting a 5000 SF space would be a waste of money with no increase in productivity to show for it. Additionally, while you are looking at your current space needs, consider also whether your business will be growing over the next few years. If so, it might be good to look for a space with an option to expand into a neighboring space should you need more square footage.

Location vs. Advertising

The relationship between your business’s location and the amount of advertising you will need is something to factor into your financial planning. On the one hand, if you have a great location with lots of customer traffic, you will need less advertising. On the other hand, you might pay less rent for a space that is off the beaten path, but you will also need to spend more in advertising to make up for the lack of visibility. Think about which of these is better for your business in terms of both saving money and attracting more clients.

Size of Your Market

Another thing to consider about a location is what your market looks like there. To figure out the geographical scope of your customer base, you need to consider how far customers will travel in order to visit your business, which depends on both your type of business and your competition in the area. If you have competition nearby, a good guideline to consider is that people won’t go further than a grocery story for your services, but if your business is unique in the area, people will travel greater distances. A simple way to find out about the businesses in a location is to use Yellow Pages or the “find businesses” function on Google Maps.

Once you have an idea of geographical size, you can determine the actual number of potential customers in the area by looking at local demographic records, either at the Chamber of Commerce or by looking at City-Data.

Customer Demographic

Once you get an idea of the number of people in your potential market area, you can gather more detailed information about them as potential customers. First, create a description of your ideal customer, factoring in things like the following:

  • age
  • income level
  • family
  • education level
  • jobs
  • entertainment preferences

Creating as detailed of a description as possible will help you get a more accurate potential customer number, because you can cross-reference this profile with demographic information to get a real idea of how many people in the area might be interested in your business and what kind of selling potential you really have there.

Neighboring Tenants

The final step is to find out more about who you will be sharing the property with. You should already know a little about competition in your area from researching the market, but finding out more about who is in the actual office park in Kansas you are considering is important too. Sometimes properties have an anchor tenant who draws in more business, and you might also be able to negotiate with a landlord for an exclusivity clause, which would prevent the landlord from leasing one of the other spaces on the property to a direct competitor of your business.

The above are some of the biggest factors that go into finding a location where you and your business will thrive. In all areas of real estate, location is key, so it is worth taking the time to do some detailed research on a location  you are looking at. A well-researched decision can have a serious impact on the long-term success of your business—as can a hasty and poorly researched one. There is no formula for finding the perfect location, but keeping some of these factors in mind and working with a broker or lawyer who represents your interests is a good place to start!

If your business is looking at office spaces for rent in Overland Park, KS, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out more about our available Kansas office space for rent or to set up a tour!

3 Ways to Handle The Personal Guarantee For Your Kansas City Office Space for Rent

3 Ways to Handle The Personal Guarantee For Your Kansas City Office Space for Rent

Commercial leases for office spaces for rent in Overland Park, KS, often require tenants to put up a personal guarantee, which holds the individual business owner responsible for paying back their business loan in the event that they break the lease. These personal guarantees are becoming more and more common in commercial real estate leases as the result of a tougher economic market, and landlords are often unwilling to budge on this requirement.

However, even if you cannot eliminate the personal guarantee completely, there are ways to mitigate its effects. Here are a few points to negotiate with your landlord to make the personal guarantee a little more reasonable and less of a weight on your shoulders, as suggested in the article “Personal Guarantee For A Commercial Lease”:

  1. Ask for a time limit. This is one of the most basic and important steps for negotiating personal guarantee terms. With a personal guarantee, a landlord is really just looking for some sign that you are a reliable tenant who will not default easily, so keeping the personal guarantee in place for part of the lease will work just fine to establish a track record of reliability. If your lease term is five years, for example, try to ask for only a three year personal guarantee period.
  2. Limit the period of rental payments after termination. Another limit you can place on this guarantee is stipulating how long you have to pay rent for in the event that you default on the lease. If a tenant defaults with a few years left in their lease, there is a legal precedent of courts only requiring former tenants to pay rent for the reasonable amount of time (depending on the commercial real estate economy) that it should take the landlord to find a new tenant for the space. By setting this amount of time upfront—for example six months to a year—you can avoid all of the drawn out and costly legal proceedings that would be necessary to determine it after breaking the lease.
  3. Provide a letter of credit. If you do have good finances, sometimes landlords will accept a letter of credit in place of a personal guarantee for a specific amount of rent. Landlords can then use this letter of credit to recoup some losses in the event that you leave the property. This option is yet another way to reassure the landlord that you will be a stable and reliable tenant without having to put to much of your personal finances on the line.

These are just a few basic ways that you can reduce the weight of your lease’s personal guarantee. Personal guarantees are definitely an area of leasing where your business could benefit from the insight and expertise of a broker or lawyer. Professionals who know the commercial real estate market might be able to help you smoothly negotiate these terms or come up with even more alternatives.

Want to find out more about properties available in an office park in Kansas? If your business is thinking of renting commercial property in Overland Park, KS, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out more about the spaces available in our office park in Overland Park, KS!

Office Space For Rent In Overland Park Tips: 5 Ways to Personalize a Cubicle

Office Space For Rent In Overland Park Tips:  5 Ways to Personalize a Cubicle

Cubicles are designed to be simple and uniform spaces, but there are still ways to make them feel more personal and more conducive to productivity. Decorators recommend that when giving your cubicle a makeover, you should focus on both personal touches and efficiency improvements, as adding decorations to clutter will not do much to make your workday easier or more productive. Here are a few tips to consider for brightening up the cubicles in your office park in Kansas, as suggested in the article “Extreme Makeover, Cubicle Edition: 10 Ways to Add Comfort & Excitement”:

#1 Get Organized

The first step towards a better cubicle is clearing out what you don’t need. Go through the old paperwork, pens that have stopped functioning, and excessive knickknacks to find what you actually use. Be bold and take home or throw away the rest!

Another great way to get organized and create some more space for yourself is by putting in shelves, either on your desk or attached to the wall above your desk. This will give you more space for easy storage and free up a little more room for personal touches.

#2 Find Fun and Functional Supplies

Finding desk supplies and accessories is a step where you really can combine your functional and personal goals. Stock up on items that will keep you productive and organized, like staplers, trays, paper clips, pencil cups and writing tools—but buy ones that you think look nice. Find a pink stapler or bring in a favorite mug to use as a pencil cup.

#3 Brighten Up the Space

There are a lot of easy and inexpensive ways to make a cubicle brighter and more cheerful. One way is to find a color scheme for the space—for example, one or two of your favorite colors and maybe an accent color. Finding a color scheme and sticking to it will give the space a more organized and designed look, which will hopefully make you feel more organized and on top of things! You can really take your color design to the next level by adding wallpaper or fabric to your cubicle walls. Covering the gray walls from top to bottom can really help transform a space into something more homey.

Another way to make a space both brighter and more functional is to add a lamp to your desk. A lot of offices have florescent overhead lighting, which can feel cold and sterile, but a lamp can make a cubicle space feel a little more warm and cozy.

#4 Pick Out Some Plants

Plants are a great way to add a little life to a space, and they are proven mood boosters. If you feel like you are not good at maintaining plants, try a cactus or a similar plant that requires little care, or even go for an artificial plant just to add a touch of green.

#5 Add the Personal Touches

Once you are organized and have all of the functional and colorful supplies necessary to stay organized, it’s time to add a few personal touches to a space, like pictures or posters. T-Pins are a great tool for hanging anything from framed pictures, to clocks, to posters. The key to these touches is to find a few items that you really enjoy looking at, while not going overboard and becoming the cubicle that is wildly kitsch.

Cubicles are a great way to organize open office space and really maximize the number of workers who can comfortably fit in a Kansas office space for rent. While cubicles have the benefits of being both private and collaborative spaces, they can a also feel a bit dull and impersonal, so encouraging employees to decorate their cubicle spaces can be a great way to boost morale and hopefully productivity as well!

If your business is interested in commercial property in Overland Park, KS, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to learn more about our office spaces for rent in Overland Park, KS!

Kansas Office Space For Rent: 4 Tips for a Successful Negotiation

Kansas Office Space For Rent: 4 Tips for a Successful Negotiation

Looking for office space for lease in Overland Park Kansas can be a very long and tedious process for those who are new to the business. A lot of things need to be researched, processed and reviewed. While you are looking for an office rental space, an important but sometimes complicated step is the negotiation process. Here are a few pitfalls you should consider before entering negotiations to make sure that you come out with the best deal possible, as outlined in the article “Lease Negotiation & Mistakes Tenants Often Make”:

  • Relocation Clause – Some landlords have leases that allow them to relocate your business within their property if they need to as long as they pay for a portion of the moving costs. This can be very disruptive and expensive to your company if this happens. It might sound strange that they could make you just pick up and move, but you’d be surprised as most landlords have this provision in their leases. A good way to avoid this situation is to either strike the clause from the lease or make the penalty costs for the landlord very high, so they have to pay more to move you, which will hopefully discourage them from acting on this clause.
  • Early Move-In – Nothing is worse than paying rent for a place that doesn’t have internet or telephone connections set up yet, so try to negotiate for early possession of the space to give you time to get it business read. Ask the landlord if you can start setting up the space without paying rent yet two weeks to a month before your official start date.
  • Right to Hold Over – On the other end of the lease term you may want to negotiate for the right to hold over at the end of your lease. This may become useful if your new space isn’t fully equipped yet or you are still looking for that perfect spot to move your new business. However, be aware that most landlords will probably charge an extra 35-50% increase on the base rent for a hold over. A good idea would be to negotiate for a lower rate for a shorter amount of time upfront in your lease.
  • Discounted Rent – Though it really varies from market to market, most major cities will have landlords who will offer a month or two of a lower rental rate or a rent free period depending on your lease length. A good way to negotiate this term would be to offer to make the lease a little bit longer, so, for example, negotiating a 24 month lease to a 36 month lease with three months of discounted or free rent might be possible.

These negotiation points are easy to address with your landlord if you review the lease and make sure you have everything in order before signing the lease. Most landlords are used to making negotiations and working with the lessees for better control of the space. This makes each experience unique, so be prepared for a landlord that doesn’t want to budge or one whose lease is completely fluid. So if you are looking for commercial real estate in Overland Park make sure to find an experienced real agent or attorney who can be a helpful resource for the situation.

If you are looking for commercial office space for rent in Overland Park KS give one of our real estate agents a call at 913-685-4100 to set up a tour of our office spaces for rent in Overland Park KS!

Office Space For Lease in Kansas City: 7 Common Leasing Issues

Office Space For Lease in Kansas City: 7 Common Leasing Issues

Signing a lease is a big step for any small or new business. If you are looking for a commercial office space for rent in Overland Park KS, here are seven common problems that you might come across when you are going over your lease, as well as a few solutions for these issues, as outlined in “12 issues to consider when leasing a commercial office space”:

  • The Lease Term: The term of a lease simply refers to how long it will last. When negotiating your lease, it is definitely a good idea to understand exactly how long your lease lasts before signing it. Few things would be worst than having to move out of your space earlier than you thought, so make sure your lease term is exactly the length you would like. Most landlords are flexible in negotiating leases with longer lease terms, since this means they don’t have to find a new tenant soon, so if you want a longer lease term you might also use this as leverage for other provisions you want.
  • Subleases/Transfers: It’s definitely important to think about what will happen to your space over the years of the leasing term. If you think that you might need to move or your business might change within the next two or three years, it might be a good idea to ask questions about subleases and transfers. A sublease is when you allow another company or individual to rent out your space for the remainder of the lease term. Transfers are commonly referred to as assignments, and allow the tenant to transfer the terms of the lease to a third party. If the lease does allow a third party in either a sublease or a transfer, the original lessee must remember that they are liable for any damages this other party might cause during the remainder of the lease.
  • Rent: A decision-driving factor that most people are concerned with at the beginning of their search is the rent of the space. It’s easy to get sucked into a situation where the rent starts off lower and ideal for you but then it escalates. So it’s important to pay close attention to the escalation clauses in your lease and to negotiate for a fixed rent for the entire term. Rent may fluctuate because of market conditions and perhaps even general the general financial status of the area or landlord. If you do have to accept escalations in rent, make sure you understand how and when the escalation will be calculated.
  • Common Spaces: When thinking about signing your lease for your new commercial space you should physically visit and evaluate the exact space to find out what is really included in the rent. This means that you should discuss hallways, restrooms, elevators, lobbies and other common areas with the landlord. Understand where your office stops and another begins and exatly what square footage was quoted in your rental cost by the landlord. Having a clear understanding of the space will help you really determine whether the price is fair.
  • Disputes and Resolutions: Companies that take legal action regarding their lease can accumulate costs relatively quickly if the dispute gets out of control. Some leases might include some sort of clause about this situation and how to deal with disputes. So it is a good idea, especially if you are a smaller and newer company, to look into alternatives to traditional court proceedings like mediation and arbitration. In these situations, neutral third parties could help facilitate discussions and solutions to disputes with a landlord.
  • Security deposits: Before you sign your lease, find out what can and cannot be deducted from the security deposit you pay before moving in. The most common deduction from the security deposit is for general cleaning and large damages to the space. But remember there are laws that specifically prohibit actions relating to security deposits, so make sure you understand the expectations outlined in the lease.
  • Repairs/Termination: Trying to negotiate a right to an early termination within your lease benefits you because you will avoid relying on a court to determine damages for the landlord and you will be in control of repairs. Before signing your lease, you should make sure you understand the conditions in which you can terminate a lease prior to any renewal that might be automatic. Also, before ending the lease, make sure that you know who is responsible for what kinds of repairs. This will help with both ending the lease properly and making sure you get all of your security deposit back,

So when going over your lease, make sure that you make a checklist with this information and it may save you some money in the long run! These common problems can be avoided with the right precautions and awareness.

If you are interested in commercial real estate in Kansas City, give one of our commercial real estate agents in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100 and set up a tour with the commercial property management in Overland Park, KS.

Office Space for Rent in Overland Park: Planning for the Office Space of the Future Right Now

Office Space for Rent in Overland Park: Planning for the Office Space of the Future Right Now

Office spaces have changed drastically in the past few decades, and business across America are working to find a balance between innovation and tradition. If you are looking to rent office space in Overland Park, here are a few suggestions for how to navigate the office space trends of the future, as suggested in the article “What the Workplace of the Future Will Look Like”:

#1 Prepare to Update Your Technology

Technology in the last twenty years has been one of the fastest changing aspects of the business world, and it’s entirely probably that this trend will continue into the future. For example, while email has been the most common form of communication among workers, and probably will continue to have a major role, other forms of communication are evolving to become more efficient and convenient, especially to connect employees who work from home or who are in different locations. Preparing for these kinds of advances is something you can do even while you consider what kind of office space will be best for your business.

Something to consider when you are choosing an office space is how easy it will be to continue to update technology. Is there room to create a work station where all employees can access the best equipment or computers with the most up-to-date software? Is it both desktop computer and laptop friendly? Even if you aren’t a tech whiz, look into what kind of technology you might want in your office in the upcoming years and make sure that your space is compatible with those updates and will be able to support the technological needs of various types of employees.

#2 Consider Layout and Your Company Culture

Another big consideration when ushering in the office space of the future is the layout of your office. Recent trends in office space have been to more open office environments, without cubicle walls. This seems to be the wheelhouse of millennials, who are entering the workforce ready to multitask and collaborate, but many business have a mixed staff and some employees might prefer more traditional models. When deciding what kind of layout is right for your business, think about your company culture and the atmosphere you are trying to create. Usually businesses find some success with a combination of open and private environments, so think about how much space you would want to allocate for each of these purposes.

#3 Decide What Works for Your Business

There is also some truth to the saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” While innovations in things like office design and business technology can be exciting and often worth experimenting with, don’t forget to consider your employees and their needs as you plan an office space. While a lot of employees are mobile and need the technology to be able to conduct business virtually, there are also just as many employees who need to come in and work at their desks each day. You also might have senior employees who are more likely to thrive in private or smaller shared offices than sitting at a long table with half the office. Ultimately, achieving a balance of innovation and successful traditional practices is key.

If you are moving into a new commercial office space for rent in Overland Park, KS, it is a great time to consider what the current and future trends are in office spaces and if any of these trends can enhance the office experience for you and your employees. A good place to start is by gathering input from employees and looking for the best way to walk the line between newness and convention in your office space for rent in Overland Park.

If your business is interested in office space for lease in Overland Park, KS, give us a call at 913-685-4100 for more information about our Kansas office space for rent!

The Pros and Cons of Cubicles in Your Office Space for Lease in Overland Park, KS

The Pros and Cons of Cubicles in Your Office Space for Lease in Overland Park, KS

An important aspect of choosing a commercial office space for rent in Overland Park, KS, involves planning how you will arrange the space for your employees. Depending on your interests and your budget, this layout could include several private or semi-private offices, clusters of cubicles, or open space without any barriers. One of the most classic office space layouts is the cubicle setup—which has gotten a lot of criticism lately, but might still have plenty of advantages to offer. Here are a few pros and cons of the cubicle model to consider as you’re looking for your ideal office space for rent in Overland Park, as outlined in the article “14 Reasons Workers Love (and Hate) About Their Cubicles”:


  • Community Building – A lot of workers really like working in cubicles because it offers an opportunity to meet and interact with their coworkers. Cubicles can be an especially useful way to make a big company feel smaller and more homey; employees have an opportunity to regularly strike up conversations with their neighbors and develop relationships.
  • Motivation to Improve – Working in a cubicle setup can be a good way to draw a sense of drive from coworkers and stay motivated and accountable. There is good energy in a cubicle space, and sometimes seeing other people in the zone at work can help kickstart others’ creativity kicks. Some employees also think it’s a good way to keep them organized since there is no door to hide a mess behind.
  • More Privacy and Personality than an Open Office Plan – Cubicles have the benefit of offering a similar sense of community as in an open office plan, while still allowing employees the opportunity for a little privacy if they need to just sit in front of their computer, put on a pair of headphones and work alone for a few hours. It also gives employees their owns space to decorate and personalize, which tends to  make people more comfortable at work.
  • Brainstorming and Teamwork Opportunities – Having a lot of employees in close proximity to each other also makes cooperation and impromptu brainstorming sessions a lot easier. If someone is stuck on an issue, it’s easy to just pop over to a neighbor and get some help finding a solution.

For a lot of employers and employees, the cubicle layout is a great compromise between private offices and a totally open office plan. A cubicle area can offer the energy and collaborative opportunities of an open office space, while still giving workers the feeling of a little privacy and a sense of their own corner of the office.


  • Strained Coworker Relations – One downside of cubicles is that they can sometimes put a strain on the relationships between employees. Employees often feel that they have no choice regarding who their cubicle neighbors will be, and if neighbors start to annoy each other, the close proximity only exacerbates the situation and ends up becoming a source of distraction during the workday. Workers also point out that although cubicles may all seem to be the same, there are definitely some cubicles that are bigger or better located than others, and competition for these spaces can be another source of troubling office politics.
  • Lack of Privacy – While employees might be somewhat out of sight of each other behind their cubicle walls, many still feel like they lack true privacy in a cubicle layout. People have the sense that their every move is being watched, and their coworkers are noticing and judging when they go to lunch, when they leave for the day, and even how often they go to the bathroom. It’s also difficult to have a phone conversation without everyone hearing the whole thing. Workers worry about office gossip and judgment when their every word is clearly audible.
  • Unwelcome Ambience – Another problem that cubicle dividers don’t keep out is the general spread of noise and smells around the office. Workers complain that they don’t actually want to hear every word of a neighbor’s phone conversations, or smell their tuna sandwich at lunch either.
  • Monotony – One of the most classically lampooned aspects of cubicle life is the general sense of “corporate” monotony that can be induced by sitting in the same setting day after day. It can sometimes be harder for an employer to foster creativity among staff in a very generic and uniform environment.

Some of the downsides to consider of setting up an office space with cubicles are the problems with privacy, general office distractions and the possibility of negative relationships developing between employees.

Having an idea of what kind of office space layout best fits your business’s needs is a necessary part of the office leasing process. If you know that cubicles work best with your business’s culture and budget, it is important to make sure that a potential space can accommodate them. On the other hand, other office spaces might be better suited to having a lot of private offices or creating an open office space with work stations. So before you get too serious about any one space, make sure you have played around with some design possibilities and are happy with the layout options.

If you are looking to rent office space in Overland Park, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out more about our office space for lease Overland Park, KS, or even set up a tour of a Kansas office space for rent.