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7 Ways to Make Your Kansas City Office Space for Rent More Comfortable

An office space for lease in Overland Park, KS, can be like a second home for a working adult, so it is important to consider what kinds of items you need to keep around your Kansas City office space for rent and what strategies you can use to make sure that you and your employees are comfortable throughout the day. Here are a few things you should consider keeping around your office, as well as a few strategies to increase comfort, as suggested in the articles “8 Items You Need on Your Desk” and “4 Tips for Working Comfortably at Your Desk”:

  1. A Good Chair. When you spend so much time sitting at a desk during the day, it is important to have the right chair to best support your back. Take the time to adjust the chair properly to your height. You want to make sure that your feet can touch the ground, and also think about bringing in a cushion for added back comfort. Reducing back pain can help increase focus and creativity, so it is well worth investing in good office chairs.
  2. Healthy Snacks. Keeping healthy snacks handy, whether brought from home or even supplied by an office kitchen, is a great way to make sure you stay satisfied from nutritious food and your focus remains sharp throughout the day. As an employer, consider ways to encourage healthy eating habits in your office, whether through healthy potluck lunches or office snacks, or even though programs and competitions designed to encourage people to set and meet health goals.
  3. Computer Monitors. Just as with chairs, subtle adjustments to computer monitors can also help increase comfort. Monitors should be directly at eye level to prevent the need to bend the neck and shoulders or to look up, both of which can cause pressure and pain. Use a stand or some thick books to adjust your monitor to an ideal height.
  4. Lighting. The best possible office lighting situation is a lot of natural sunlight coming in through windows, but if this is not an option, softer light is the next best arrangement – for example, overhead lamps or desk lamps, both of which are much better than florescent lighting.
  5. Health Supplies. It’s good to have necessities for various health situations around the office, such as a first aid kit with band-aids, pain killers, throat lozenges, eye drops, and whatever else you might want to have on hand. Other daily health staples include tissues and hand sanitizer to prevent and manage sickness, especially during winter.
  6. Drinking Water. Staying hydrated is so important to general health and energy levels. Having a water bottle on your desk is a great way to constantly remind yourself to be drinking water. Employers could also consider good water bottles as a giveaway item at an office picnic or team-building session to promote good hydration in the office.
  7. Headphones. Having headphones handy can be a great way for office workers to block out office noise and focus on work for a while. Plus, good music is a great pick-me-up to get through a post-lunch slump!

It’s important for both employers and employees to promote and practice good office habits that are geared towards well-being. Healthy, happy employees are much more likely to be productive than ones who are dehydrated, blinded by florescent lights, and hunched over their computers for eight hours a day,

Looking for commercial real estate in Overland Park? Give us a call today at 913-685-4100 to learn more about our available commercial office space for rent in Overland Park, KS, or to set up a tour of one of our office spaces for rent in Overland Park, KS.

Moving to an Office Space for Lease in Kansas City: Planning Your Perfect Office Design

Moving to an Office Space for Lease in Kansas City: Planning Your Perfect Office Design

If your business is ready to find some new commercial real estate in Kansas City, one major aspect of the move to think about is the design of your space. Finding a new office space for lease in Kansas City is a great way to start fresh with a configuration and decor that will help improve the efficiency, comfort, and image of your office space. Here are a few steps to consider as you search for and plan a new office space, as suggested in the article “Aiming to Improve Your Office Space? Consider This Before a Move or Redesign.

#1 Determine Your Needs

Before you can really begin to plan a new office space, you need to come up with some concrete facts and figures regarding your business’s needs. The most basic aspect of this is determining how much square footage you need now and potentially in the future. Look at your current space to see how efficiently you are using the space and realistically how much more you might need – don’t forget to factor in projected growth as well. Also think about ways that your office design could be restructured to make better use of space, as this could be factored into your new plans as well.

Another thing to consider is the current aesthetics of your office, particularly the ways that your design or color scheme could be adjusted to better reflect your corporate culture, promote the comfort of your employees, and impress visiting clients.

#2 Tour New Office Spaces

Commercial office space for rent in Overland Park, KS, can range from move-in ready to completely empty spaces, so think about how much work you want to put into configuring your office space to help narrow down what kind of spaces you want to look at. If you want to be really involved in the design process, something that is more raw and has plenty of open office space might be a better fit for you, but if you are looking to get into a new space sooner rather than later, you might just focus on move-in ready listings.

Once you have a rough idea of how finished you want a space to be, consider the different ways you use your office space. Are cubicles, a few private offices, and a conference room enough for you, or will you need a more diverse range of amenities? Will you need a sizable reception and waiting room area? What about a kitchen, break area, or screening room? Try to make a ranked list of what is absolutely essential to your business and what you would ideally like to have to help you narrow down options even further.

#3 Put Yourself in Control of the Process

Finally, if you find an office space and decide to tailor it to your business’s needs, it is important to stay proactively involved in the whole process to make sure you achieve your intended outcome. The first thing you can do is start to assemble a team of people to help you, selecting the best construction and design professionals for your budget based on references, their past project work, and any other background information you can find. Here are a few roles you might consider filling:

  • Company Representative – Find someone from within your own office, possibly an office manager or even CEO, to act as a liaison between your business and any external construction or design services. This person does not have to be particularly well versed in technical construction concerns; they just need to be able to communicate your business’s interests, maintain regular contact with construction companies, and make decisions as needed.
  • Architect – It is a good idea to engage the services of an architect early on and ask them to join you on tours of potential spaces. This way they can have your needs in mind and give you a more accurate assessment of what you can accomplish with a space. Once you choose a space, they can draw up designs to pass a long to a contractor.
  • Small Project Manager – If you are only interested in a small buildout, you might be able to designate someone internally to manage the daily aspects of the project. However, if you are considering something larger, it might be better to go with an outside professional.
  • Contractor – A general contractor will be in charge of the actual construction project, including managing daily construction work and setting up the services of other vendors, such as plumbers, electricians, etc. The cost of these other vendors will be built into the agreed upon price for the contractor.

In addition to assembling an expert team, make sure you regularly check in to confirm that deadlines are being met and all projects are staying within your budget.

You do not have to be an expert to smoothly execute a buildout or renovation of a new space, just make sure you consult the right people, both internally and externally, to ensure that your business’s needs are being fulfilled and you are getting the best possible services for your budget!

If your business is interested in finding an available office space with commercial property management in Overland Park, KS, give one of our commercial real estate agents in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100!

6 Guidelines For Finding an Office Park in Kansas for Your Startup Business

Finding the right commercial property in Overland Park, KS, for your new startup company can be a big undertaking for a young business. Here are a few tips to follow to guide you as you look for a space that is comfortable and will allow you to grow, as suggested in the article “5 Tips for Finding the Perfect Startup Office Space”:

1. Look for a Good Landlord.

When narrowing down office spaces for rent in Overland Park, KS, make sure that you have a good landlord who understands your professional goals and needs for the office. It’s always a good idea to work with a landlord and find out how they respond to certain issues and how they feel about repairs that the office would need. A good idea is to contact previous tenants to get a good picture of what it’s like to work with that landlord. Make sure to discuss any issues or problems you might have with the space so that you can discuss them with the landlord before signing.

2. Be Ambitious…

Ambitious projects are always a good springboard for ideas and growth in all aspects of business, so definitely apply this attitude towards finding your own space – dream a little about the growth you anticipate and what kind of design, decor and setup would really take your business to the next level.

3. …But Be Realistic.

Thinking big is a great way to get ideas flowing, but obviously it’s also necessary be realistic. Consider the possibility of making expansions and growth, but also look into what your exit strategies are if you do not meet these targets.

4. Location Is Key.

Location should be the first thing you think about, so before you work on anything else make sure you know where you want to have your office space. T There are two different ways of going about this, depending on your staffing concerns: If you have team of people you are working with already, it might be a good idea to pick a place where they can commute to easily. If you are looking to recruit talent, make sure you have a location that is ideal for attracting potential employees.

4.   Know What You Can Change.

You should want your office to be reflective of your company culture and what kind of work you want to do there. So if you know you want to tear down the drywall and install a new break room, make sure you run this by the potential landlord first. Having an idea of what you want your space to look like is good, but it is even better to make sure you have the landlord’s permission to do so first before you even sign the lease. A few things to double check before signing include making sure you can repaint, rewire and/or change anything other than the desk and chairs. This could save you a headache over remodeling in the long run.

5. Determine Your Ideal Lease Term.

Know how long you want to stay in space so that you can factor this into lease term negotiations. Ideally you don’t want to sign a long-term lease just in case your team grows quickly. A shorter lease makes growth easier and gives you more freedom in case you want to get out of your current lease. However, longer leases should be considered if the landlord is offering good incentives. but when in doubt a shorter lease is better for a smaller company.

With good research, some creative thinking, and careful planning, it is definitely possible to find the perfect office park in Overland Park, KS, for you and your new startup!

If you are looking for an office park in Kansas with a small Kansas City office space for rent, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to set up a tour of one of our small office suites!

4 Tips for Transitioning from a Home Office to an Office Space for Rent in Overland Park

4 Tips for Transitioning from a Home Office to an Office Space for Rent in Overland Park

Finding the right commercial property in Overland Park, KS, for your small business takes time and preparation, especially if it is your first time moving out of the home office and into a more professional space. Here are a few tips for making that transition to an office space for rent in Overland Park as smooth as possible, as outlined in the article “Business Tips: Renting a Commercial Office Space”:

1) Set parameters and consult expert help.

Understanding what your business needs and talking to a commercial real estate agent is a good way to figure out where to start with finding your new office. Working with agent might be more time consuming, but an agent will be able to direct you to a handful of spaces that will suit your needs, versus wading through that first round of selections on your own. Give the agent parameters based on location, space and budget; in other words, find where your office will be most likely to thrive, how much space you need, and how much you are willing to spend on the perfect space.

2) Create a detailed needs list.

Before you even start looking for your new space, think about what your company needs to grow. Make a list and make sure to include the big things and the details: space, location, parking, light/air control, communication, storage and reception. This will help you find an objective way to narrow down your options.

3) Distinguish between needs and wants.

As you make your list, be sure to distinguish between needs and wants. Needs are things that you should walk away from a space if it doesn’t have them, and wants can help you evaluate spaces in more detail and might tip the scales when choosing between two good spaces. Examples of wants include things like furniture, office supply, carpeted floors, and distance to local amenities.

4) Budget for the space and the move.

How much is the cost of the move? How much are you willing to spend for each year? Each month? These are some of things you should be thinking about when looking. Some things to consider when making this budget list is the deposit, rent, services, maintenance cost, new furniture and equipment, decorating the office, lighting, energy and security. Budgeting for all of these things is a good start to making the transition to your new commercial office space as painless as possible.

Moving out of the home and into a real office space for the first time is a big transition, but seeking expert help, listing in detail both what you absolutely need and perks that could set one space above another, and carefully budgeting can help you make the move to a new Kansas office space for rent as smooth and efficient as possible.

If you are interested in moving your business out of the home and into an office park in Kansas, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out more about our office spaces for rent Overland Park, KS, and even set up a tour!

Commercial Property in Overland Park, KS: 6 Leasing Mistakes to Avoid

Commercial Property in Overland Park, KS: 6 Leasing Mistakes to Avoid

Leasing commercial property in Overland Park, KS, can be a big financial risk – one that is necessary and worthwhile, but one that can have serious and lasting consequences if not done properly. Research and planning are key above all else, but here are a few common leasing mistakes that tenants make to learn from as you start your own search for an office, as detailed in the article “10 Leasing Mistakes Office Tenants Commonly Make”:

#1 Going into leasing without a plan.

If you don’t have a good idea of your company’s space needs, you need to hit the breaks on you leasing process. Before you even begin to look at offices, have some hard numbers for what you need – square footage per employee, projected growth and the need for space that goes along with it, and what kind of space you want. Do you need open space with cubicles? A few conference rooms? An impressive reception area? These are all questions you should have a firm answer to before you look for a new space.

Make sure you also have a solid business plan in place, particularly if you are a new business leasing space for the first time. A lot of landlords will want to see your financial history or at the very least a professional and fact-based business plan as reassurance that you will be a reliable tenant.

#2 Not working with experts.

At all stages of the process of acquiring a new Kansas City office space for rent, it is important to speak expert help. This includes talking to a real estate broker, a legal representative who will represent your interests as a tenant, and an architect to help you plan for any modifications you need to make to a space. It’s tempting to cut corners and do things yourself, but if you are not an expert in any of these fields, you could be causing bigger financial complications for your business down the line.

#3 Not considering lease termination possibilities.

It’s strange to think about upfront as you are just starting out in a space, but you need to consider exit strategies before you ever sign a lease. This is particularly important for new businesses, who cannot afford to take a serious financial hit by paying rent during a rough patch. Terminating a lease is never good, but work with experts and negotiate with your landlord to try to mitigate consequences as much as possible. This requires some give and take, but most landlords are willing to allow for some kinds of relief possibilities, such as subleasing or reassignment, in the event that your business cannot afford the space.

#4 Not factoring in growth and the need to expand.

It was mentioned in the need for a plan before leasing, but it bears repeating: think about what your projected growth is and how much space your business might need in the next few years. It’s a risk to rent more space than you need, but being trapped in an office that is too small and does not allow you to develop can be just as detrimental to your business. Talk to your landlord about the possibility of expanding into other available spaces on the property if it becomes necessary, and try to opt for shorter lease terms with options to renew so you can consider after just a few years whether you have outgrown your space.

#5 Waiting too long for negotiations and a losing good offer.

Don’t leave negotiations until the last minute. These are so important, and you should not allow yourself to become set on a space until you are sure you can negotiate for favorable terms for your business – and the longer you wait, the more leverage the landlord has.

In addition, while you want to give yourself plenty of time to compare spaces and be prepared to walk away from an offer that is less than ideal, don’t wait too long on something you know is a great opportunity. If you find something good, hesitating too long could mean that you lose the opportunity to someone else, and then you are back to square one.

#6 Considering only the finances.

While budget is one of your most important factors, and you have to be prepared to walk away from even a dream space if it is way out of your price range, there are other factors to consider as well, such as the location of the space and the incentives a landlord is willing to offer. Remember that the most affordable office does you no good if your location will not attract new clients or your staff is unwilling to commute, so give yourself a price range to work within and then let yourself consider other merits of various spaces.

If you are starting the process of finding an office space for lease in Overland Park, KS, don’t fall into these common pitfalls!

Interested in commercial office space for rent in Overland Park, KS? Give us a call at 913-685-4100 to learn more about our available offices spaces for rent in Overland Park, KS!




Office Space for Lease in Kansas City: 4 Considerations for Small Business Owners

Office Space for Lease in Kansas City: 4 Considerations for Small Business Owners

There are a lot of angles to consider when renting office space for lease in Olathe, KS, and the first step in the process is knowing your own business and what risks you can afford to to take when finding your first real office space. Here are a few general tips for renting office space, as well as a few risks your business should consider taking for bigger payoff in the long run, as suggested in the article “5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Know About Real Estate”:

#1 Lease Length

Conventional wisdom says that small businesses should look for short term leases – one to two years – with option to renew, but young businesses can save quite a bit of money in the long run by signing a longer lease – for example, six years. If you’re bold enough to pursue this path, you have the benefit of a predictable major overhead cost for the foreseeable future, which can really help stabilize your finances. If you are not sure you can afford to take that risk, talk to your landlord about putting the option to sublease into your lease. Landlord’s might be more willing to allow you to have this option if you agree to sign a longer lease.

#2 Street Side

It is worth taking the time to figure out which side of the street will generate more foot traffic. Main streets in the U.S. typically have one side that has roughly twice as much foot traffic as the other, so stand outside a any properties you are considering and count passersby to figure out whether a place is on the heavier foot traffic side. Finding the right side of the street translates to greater exposure and thus much more potential customers for your business.

#3 Windows

It seems like such a small detail, but study after study shows that natural sunlight makes people happier and more productive. If you are torn between two different spaces, count the windows and go with the one that has more sunlight – your employees will be grateful and the productivity levels might be better in the long run.

#4 Incentive to Grow

Always be thinking about the growth of your business when you are looking for commercial office space for rent in Overland Park, KS. One safe way to give yourself room to grow is to check and see if there are options to expand into other spaces in the property. A riskier move is to challenge yourself to grow your business by renting more space than you need. With extra space to make useful, you will feel the pressure to fill desks and keep your business on a growth trajectory – especially since one of the major hinderances to growth for a lot of small businesses is simply not enough room to expand.

Choosing an office space for lease in Kansas City for the first time has an inherent level of risk for a small business, but it can also be the best way for a small and growing business to get the boost it needs into a more professional, competitive sphere. Consider both the little details that go into a great space, as well as the risks that you can take for greater reward down the road.

If your business is looking for office spaces for rent in Overland Park, KS, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out more about our available Kansas City office space for rent!

Commercial Real Estate In Kansas City: 8 Tips For Designing Your Perfect Space

Commercial Real Estate In Kansas City: 8 Tips For Designing Your Perfect Space

Trends in office space design have undergone massive changes in the past decade, with companies moving away from traditional models and experimenting with how best to promote productivity, creativity and collaboration. It can be hard for small businesses to keep up with these trends, but there are a few basic principles to stick to if you are at a point where you have some say in the design of an office space for lease in Olathe, KS you are moving into. Here are a few factors to consider as you plan your designs – with emphasis on the principles of flexibility and simplicity – as outlined in the article “10 Questions to Ask When Designing Your Office”:

  1. Space per Employee. The first step in designing an office space is determining how much space you are working with. In the past, designers would plan on about 250 square feet per employee, which meant room for an office, desk, computer and personal touches such as photos or other decorations, but now the mindset is shifting to a more mobile idea of what an office is. Because employees have laptops – which contain both work and personal things in one small space – designers are now allotting only about 150 square feet of space per employee. This is also factoring in the principle that giving employees the option to work from home on occasion means that the office might be only partially occupied on any given day.
  2. Flexibility. Along with having a general mentality of flexibility in terms of employee mobility, businesses are also starting to make the spaces themselves more flexible. This is especially important for small businesses who are growing and changing. Some ways to do this include buying furniture on wheels so that desks and chairs can be easily moved, getting dividers for conference rooms to reconfigure the space easily and creating “plug and play” areas where employees can take their laptops and sit and work.
  3. Reception Atmosphere. If your business has a reception area, one of your major design concerns is making that space as welcoming as possible, since that is where customers will form their first impressions of your company. One thing to consider is lighting – try to make sure your reception area allows for as much natural light as possible, and avoid harsh, direct artificial light if possible. Specific colors can also create different impressions – such as blue for loyalty or creams for sophistication. It’s also good to make sure the space is not intimidating; if you are working with a large lobby area, consider creating small clusters of furniture where people can sit.
  4. Privacy. The trends are certainly moving towards more open spaces, with executives rubbing shoulders with their staff and a general sense of transparency and community, but it is important to still balance this with employees’ need for privacy. Try to create spaces for private conversations, individual work or simply a quiet place to get things done. Having a good mix of community places and solitary places with few distractions is a great way to maximize creativity for all employees.
  5. Behavioral Patterns. Another thing to consider is how you want to shape the habits of people in your office, because design can really have an impact on people’s behavioral patterns. For example, consider the placement of recycling stations to encourage recycling, or create community printing or coffee areas to encourage interaction between employees who might not normally speak.
  6. Company Culture. Design of an office space can also communicate both to employees and visitors what your company’s culture and mission are. This is an important thing to consider if you are revamping your business’s brand. Incorporating those changes into the design of your space can really cement the ideas in the minds of your staff and clients.
  7. Comfort. Companies today are trying to make sure that their spaces have enough amenities to ensure that employees are comfortable throughout the day and actually enjoy being at the office. One way to promote both comfort and communication is by creating inviting cafe or pantry spaces for employees to snack and connect. Other businesses are going for bigger strides, such as fitness rooms, in-house dry cleaning, massage centers, and wellness rooms where employees can go if they are not feeling well. The overall aim is to create a place where employees can balance productivity with necessary elements of well-being, such as socializing, relaxing and exercising.
  8. Green Possibilities. In all areas of design and construction, the trend these days is to factor in sustainability. Incorporating environmentally friendly elements into office design can range from using reused or recycled materials in carpeting to buying overhead lights that dim as natural light enters a space. In some cases, these kinds of features can even save your business money on energy costs in the long term.

If you have an opportunity to design or re-design a Kansas office space for rent, try to utilize this new beginning to see how you can positively improve anything from productivity, to image, to employee satisfaction in your commercial real estate in Kansas City.

If you are looking to move into a new small office space for rent in Overland Park, KS, give us a call today at 913-685-4100 to learn more about our available office spaces for rent in Overland Park, KS!

Commercial Real Estate in Kansas City: 6 Leasing Tips to Protect Your Business

Commercial Real Estate in Kansas City: 6 Leasing Tips to Protect Your Business

If something happens that means you have to leave your office space for lease in Kansas City early – hopefully the fortunate case of your business outgrowing the space, but also the possibility that your business is no longer able to afford the space – it is in the best interest of both you and the landlord to have an exit strategy that protects everybody. When you are negotiating a lease, you have to take the time to work out what will happen if you need to leave, and make sure the terms are clearly spelled out in the lease – it is not pleasant to think about, but you need to do more than just sign a lease hoping for the best. Here are some tips for protecting yourself in the event that you need to terminate your lease, as described in the article “Getting Out of a Commercial Lease”:

  1. Set Income Projection Goals. One possibility that would protect you is to negotiate for the right to end your lease if your business is unable to reach reasonable income projection goals by a certain date, for example one year or six months into the lease. This way, if your business is in a position where it cannot afford the space anymore, you will be able to leave without incurring that financial burden.
  2. Option to Renew. Landlords always prefer tenants to sign longer leases, while new businesses generally favor shorter term leases. But there is a happy medium – try to negotiate for a short term lease (1-2 years) with options to renew, for example two options for 1-2 more years or one option for 3 years. This way you have the opportunity to reevaluate your business’s status frequently and decide if it is worth the risk to continue in the space. Usually landlords will want you to exercise this option by a certain deadline – for example, three months before the end of the lease, and possibly they will require a small increase in rent, which could be doable for your business if you are doing well enough to extend your lease of the space.
  3. Ask the Landlord to Terminate. If you are really in a difficult situation, you could try to simply ask the landlord to allow you to leave. There is definitely no guarantee that they will agree, but if the market is good and they can quickly find a new tenant – perhaps even at a higher rental rate – they might be willing to allow the termination of your lease.
  4. Break the Lease. If worst comes to worst, you could simply leave the space and accept the penalties. In all likelihood you as the guarantor will be on the line for rental payments for a period of time, but the law does require landlords to be reasonable in mitigating this penalty, and they must be actively searching for a new tenant to fill your space. Once they find a new tenant, you are no longer obligated to pay rent.
  5. Find a Replacement Tenant. Another way to protect yourself in the event that you have to walk away is to put a clause in your lease saying that the landlord cannot unreasonably reject a new potential tenant. This means that if you need to leave you can speed the process of occupying the space along by looking for a new tenant yourself to sublease or transfer the lease to.
  6. Buy-Out. A final option would be to ask your landlord about the possibility of a buy-out. This option might be difficult to exercise if you have a lot of time left in your lease, but perhaps your landlord will be open to making a deal or keeping your security deposit in exchange for letting you leave.

Your best defense in this situation is making sure that you are protected upfront in your lease. Try to negotiate for various provisions that you can fall back on in the event that you need to unexpectedly leave.

If your business is looking for new commercial real estate in Kansas City, give one of our commercial real estate agents in Kansas City a call today at 913-685-4100 to find out more about our commercial property management in Overland Park, KS, and our available commercial office space for rent in Overland Park, KS!