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Southcreek News

10 Tips for Tenants Seeking Office Rental Space in Kansas City

Finding an office rental space requires consideration of many factors: finances, location, property rules, and so much more. Here are ten suggestions from the article “Office Space Leasing Tips” to help you consider a property from several different angles:

  1. How close are amenities and services you might need, such as lunch places or dry cleaners?
  2. Check out the building’s directory to find out what kinds of tenants you will be sharing a building with. Know the quirks of these businesses, such as the fact that telemarketers are often in and out for 24 hours a day, and tenants who practice medicine might take up a lot of parking at certain times a day.
  3. Be aware of the parking options in the space. Do you have to pay for spots in a parking structure? Will your customers/clients have to pay for parking? Calculate what the cost of parking would add to your rental rate.
  4. Make sure your lease is thorough and that you understand all of it. Do not go for a short lease in the hopes of making it more readable, which may lead to confusion if certain issues arise.  Instead make sure that you cover every potential problem and understand clearly the expectations and repercussions.
  5. Know the rules for the property and any zoning laws so that you can make sure they do not conflict with the way you operate your business.
  6. Insurance is a tricky but essential part of moving into a new space, as you are most at risk for theft in a new or unfamiliar setting. Make sure that you are fully covered by the time you move in.
  7. Signage is in important thing to factor into the cost of a space, because it can be expensive. Be sure that you also understand what the rules are for signage in a space.
  8. Make sure you visit the property at night to check on safety issues and lighting. Take others with you to get second opinions.
  9. Check to see if your location is easy to find by asking someone to find the property who does not already know where it is. This will simulate what a customer or client might experience when trying to seek you out.
  10. Look into sub-leasing opportunities from current tenants in the building. Landlords typically want to lease their vacant spaces first, but you might get a good deal by investigating all of your options in the building.

Start the process early to leave yourself plenty of time to consider all of these issues!

If your business is interested in Kansas City office space for rent, give Kathy Woodward at DDI Commercial a call at 913-685-4100 to set up a tour of one of our available spaces!

3 Things to Use to Your Advantage in Negotiations for an Office Space Lease in Overland Park

Even if you have never negotiated a lease before, you can still go into the process prepared to fight for the best deal possible. Here are three things that you can make work to your advantage in negotiations with a landlord, as suggested in the article “Office Space Leasing Tips”:

#1 Research

Enter negotiations armed with plenty of information about the real estate market. Most building owners you will be approaching deal with real estate on an everyday basis, so be prepared for them to know more than you. Close this gap by doing plenty of research, or hiring a commercial real estate broker or attorney to help.

#2 Time

Start looking for space as early as possible. Keeping an eye on landlords’ vacancies can give you a lot of information about how desperately they need to lease a space. You also want to pursue multiple properties, rather than getting wrapped up in one, just in case that deal falls through.

#3 Financial Status

If you are coming from a strong financial position, you have some power in negotiations, as landlords are looking for tenants who have good credit. Have plenty of documentation of your good financial standing prepared in advance to show to the landlord in order to make a strong impression.

Be aware of the leverage you have in negotiations and do not be afraid to use it!

If you are interested in executive office rental in Overland Park, give a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park a call at 913-685-4100!


3 Questions to Ask When Looking for Self Storage Options for Your Office Space in Kansas

So you have done your spring cleaning and now you need a place to store everything you have cleared out. Utilizing a self-storage company might be a good option, but do a little research on what companies have to offer, including visually inspecting the storage unit before renting it. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when looking into self storage, as suggested in the article “Making the Most of Self Storage Companies”:

  1. Does the storage company have pickup options? Try to find a company that will bring storage containers to your office space and then transfer them to the storage unit for you. Calculate to see if you can save some time and money by avoiding doing the transport yourself.
  2. Does the storage facility have 24-hour access? Granted, you might never need to track down a particular file at 3 a.m., but you might need to access specific equipment or some other item after regular working hours. It might give you some peace of mind knowing that you can access what you need on your time rather than a storage facility’s time.
  3. Do you need climate-control? Consider the items that you are storing, such as archived files, and decide whether they need to be in a climate-controlled environment. If so, make sure that both you and the facility have the same idea of what climate control looks like.

Do your homework before picking a self-storage facility to make sure you find one that meets your needs!

If your business is interested in office suites for rent in Kansas City, give a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100!

Five Avoidable Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Office Space Lease in Overland Park

Leasing can be a complicated process, and it can be easy for an inexperienced lessee to find themselves in a bad lease because they were not aware of the mistakes they were making. Here are five mistakes to be wary of as you navigate the commercial leasing process, as suggested in the article “The Eight Mistakes Tenants Make When Leasing Office Space”:

  1. Weak Negotiations. Sometimes tenants think that what the landlords puts in a lease is immutable, but this is not necessarily true. The landlord’s priority is to fill spaces in the building, which means that he or she will negotiate and concede to tenants if they have to. Even small businesses looking to only rent a tiny piece of the building have power in a real estate market in which a lot of commercial rental buildings are comprised of many small tenants. So be aware that you have more leverage than you think and be tough in your negotiations.
  2. Not Reviewing the Lease. This seems like a basic step, but many tenants either do not read the lease carefully or do not fully understand everything that is in the lease. Be aware of things like notice periods and sublet and assignment provisions. Make sure these parts of the lease are fair to your business.
  3. Not Using Representation. Using a broker to represent the interests of your business can be hugely beneficial to you in the long run, despite the short term cost. Brokers understand the market and how to negotiate for a space. They can help you find a building that best fits your business and help you negotiate a lease that will be good for your business. Sometimes trying to go without this expertise can put your business in a position where you need to end a lease early—which is not a good thing. Consider hiring someone who truly understands the complicated world of commercial real estate.
  4. Hiring a Broker Loyal to the Landlord. Be wary of using a broker that represents both tenant and landlord, which is how brokers at big real estate companies often work. The appeal of these brokers is that they understand the leasing process from both sides, but they often tend to side with the landlord over the small tenant, so choose carefully when you are looking for someone to fight for your business’s best interests.
  5. Not Leaving Enough Moving Time. If your business has never moved before, you might have no idea how long it will take to pack up and relocate to a new space. Often tenants underestimate how much work this process is, and they do not leave themselves enough time to either find a new space or renew their current lease. It could take up to a year to work through the leasing process, or even more than that if you are a big company. Start the process well in advance so that you have plenty of time to find a good deal and move if you need to.

Educate yourself on the leasing process to avoid these mistakes!

If you are interested in office space for rent in Kansas City, give one of our commercial real estate brokers in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100!

3 Tips for Finding the Best Desks for Your Office Space in Kansas City

When purchasing desks for an office space, you will want to consider both the impression they will have on any customers or clients that see them and also the comfort of your employees. Be sure to give special consideration to desks that will be most visible, such as the receptionist’s desk or ones where clients/customers will work with employees. Consider also what kinds of desks will help your employees be most productive. Here are a few factors to consider when picking out desks, as suggested in the article “Making the Most of Office Desks”:

  1. Balance trendiness with functionality. Don’t pick something so artistic and trendy that it sacrifices serious functionality. Look for items that embrace a modern aesthetic, but still have enough room for a computer and a comfortable amount of workspace.
  2. Check out custom made desks. One popular trend in office spaces is having desks custom made for the office. This allows workers who require desks with specific features to get exactly what they need, thus maximizing productivity.
  3. Consider putting in work stations. Cubicles are going out of fashion, and collaboration is the new trend. Try for workstations that are more open and allow for interaction and exchange of ideas.

Take the time to pick out furniture that will be both visually impressive and useful for employees!

Give Kathy Woodward at DDI Commercial a call at 913-685-4100 to find out more about our office suites for rent in Overland Park!

Tips for Furnishing the Reception Area in Your Office Rental Space in Overland Park

Your reception area is the first opportunity to make an impression on customers as they enter the door. Make sure that you are presenting a positive image and making visitors feel comfortable by carefully selecting furniture for the reception area. Here are a few things to think about as you furnish the space, as suggested in the article “Choosing Reception Furniture for Your Office”:

  1. Make it aesthetically pleasing. Avoid the standard, boring waiting area furniture and take advantage of all of the furniture options that are out there. Find something that fits with your company and your interest in your customers. Consider things like color and durability as you shop.
  2. Find a professional reception desk. You want to let your customers know that you are organized and on top of things, so make sure to find a professional desk that will allow a receptionist to keep things neat and orderly.
  3. Don’t forget about the kids! If you are expecting kids in your reception area, consider providing a small table with toys, books, or puzzles for their entertainment. If there are kids around, you will also want to stay on top of cleaning up any spills and messes to keep the reception area looking clean.

Make a strong first impression on your customers by creating a comfortable, professional, and unique reception space!

Looking for Overland Park office space for rent? Give a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park a call at 913-685-4100!

3 Creative Ways to Find More Kansas City Office Space

It can be difficult for start-up businesses to acquire the office space they need on a shoestring budget. If your business is looking to maximize office space with minimal damage to your finances, check out these creative suggestions from the Forbes article “Thinking Outside the Box When it Comes to Office Space”:

Evaluate Your Staffing Needs

One way to deal with the need for space is to see if you can minimize the workforce in your actual office space. See if you can create internships or independent contractor agreements so that you do not have as many employees crowded in your office building.

Find Co-Working Space.

Co-working spaces are more flexible than a 3-5 year lease agreement, and allow tenants to rent on a yearly, monthly, or even daily basis. This can be great if your company is digitally based (and thus mobile) and you want to interact with other small business owners in a collaborative environment.

Rent Shared Office Space

This has similar benefits to co-working space, but might involve a more stable, long term arrangement. The practice of larger companies subletting extra space to smaller businesses has been a common trend in commercial real estate. You might even be able to rent as little as a desk or cubicle for a flat rate.

Do not give up on the idea of finding a good office space that fosters productivity just because you have a small budget—there are a lot of options out there!

If you are looking for a small office lease in Kansas City, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to learn more about our affordable office space in Kansas City.

5 Reasons to Consider Leasing Equipment for Your Office Building in Overland Park

If you just moved into a space and need to find office equipment, consider leasing your equipment instead of buying it. You can find everything from cars, to computers, to desks, and you might find that the leasing option is more cost effective for your business. Here are a few reasons to consider leasing equipment, as outlined in the article “Leasing Business Equipment”:

  1. Save yourself some time and energy. If you lease your equipment, you can avoid some of the hassle and headache of finding a loan to finance your equipment.
  2. Stay with the times. Leasing equipment can help you update your technology regularly without having to buy it new every few years.
  3. Try things out. By leasing your equipment, you can see what is most effective for your business and move on to something else after a short period if what you got is not working for you.
  4. Get maintenance assistance. Sometimes maintenance is included when you lease equipment.
  5. Enjoy a tax break. You might be able to get a tax advantage for a leased item because the payments are fully deductible.

If you are worried about how you are going to furnish your office with equipment on your current budget, look into leasing options!

Looking for office suites for rent in Overland Park? Give a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park a call at 913-685-4100 to set up a tour of one of our spaces!

4 Tips for Cutting Energy Expenses in Your Office Space in Kansas

Sometimes even just simple changes can help your company save a lot of money in the long run. Take a look at your energy consumption, and see if you can implement these simple strategies to reduce your energy bills, as suggested in the article “10 Ideas for Saving Money & Energy in the Office”:

#1 Turn of the computer.

Make sure that you power off your computer when you leave the office for the day—it is one of the easiest ways to save on energy costs at the office! If you have a power strip in your office, check to see that that is flipped off as well when you leave.

#2 Consider switching to laptops.

Not only are they more mobile, but they also use less power than desktop computers, which means lower electric bills. If you cannot part with desktops, consider upgrading to more energy efficient models.

#3 Shop for green office supplies.

Major office suppliers have entire sections of catalogs dedicated to green products—and not just paper.

#4 Recycle, recycle, recycle!

The most obvious thing to recycle is paper, but you can do more than just toss paper in the recycle bin. Use both sides of a sheet and turn old envelopes into scrap paper than can be used for to-do lists. You can also recycle office equipment, such as computers, monitors, or even used ink cartridges, and sometimes office supply stores even offer discounts or rewards for recycling these things.

Consider starting a committee in your office to try to implement these easy ways to save money and energy!

If you are interested in executive office rental in Overland Park, give a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park a call at 913-685-4100!

3 Tips for Using Less Electricity in Your Kansas City Office Space

A simple awareness of your office’s lighting needs can help save you money on electricity bills and be a little more environmentally friendly. Here are three ways to make sure you are not using more electric light than you need, as suggested in the article “10 Ideas for Saving Money & Energy in the Office”:

  1. Flip the switch. If a room is empty, turn the light off. It is a very simple concept, but how often are break rooms or conference rooms empty but still lit up? Turn off lights whenever you see that they are unnecessary, and spread the word around the office to do the same.
  2. Try CFL light bulbs. Switch out your traditional incandescent light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs for more energy efficient lighting. CFLs can last up to 10 times as long as traditional bulbs and save up to 75% on energy costs.
  3. Soak up the natural light. If you have a window in your office, take advantage of this light source and move your desk near it. Or if not see if you can make any adjustments to take advantage of indirect light in your workspace, even if it is only during certain times of day. Not only does this save energy, but natural light is also good for your mood!

Lighting an office space can require a lot of energy (and money) consumption, so be strategic in minimizing those costs!

If you are interested in learning more about commercial office space for lease in Kansas City give Kathy Woodward at DDI Commercial a call at 913-685-4100!