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5 Tips for Making Good at the End of Your Office Space Lease in Overland Park

If your business is getting ready to move after a long lease term, you are probably starting to think about the make good clause in your lease. Here are a few tips for how to make good as you prepare to move, as suggested in the article “How to: make good at the end of your lease”:

  1. Review the lease agreement. Check the make good clause in your lease. These clauses vary from lease to lease—some are extremely vague, while others have very specific instructions.
  2. Make a list of any changes. List anything in the property that you have changed. The best way to make sure you include everything is to start at the front of your office and walk around it in a clockwise pattern, making note of any changes as you go. Be sure to cover the following common changes:
  • Partitions
  • Painting or other wall decorations
  • Added electrical points or lighting
  • Storage or fittings, including shelves
  • Floating carpet or floorboards
  • Computer areas
  • Heating and cooling
  • Window treatments
  • Signage
  1. Check with the landlord. Once you have taken care of listing everything you have changed, talk to your landlord about what to do regarding the changes. Sometimes landlord will allow changes to remain because they are improvements to the space, but some might require a cash settlement instead of making good. Often this benefits both new and old tenants if the new tenants are planning to remodel anyway.
  2. Redecorate as needed. Particularly if you are a long term tenant, you might be required to repaint the walls white or replace carpets.
  3. Clean up. It is always good to leave your premises in a clean condition. It is a universal practice to do any minor repairs and maintenance to get the place back to it’s original condition, even if these things are not specifically itemized in a lease.

It is equally important to create a clear make good clause upfront, which can benefit both the tenant and the landlord  Sometimes this is impractical if agents really need a tenant to sign a lease and the make good clause is causing problems, since usually new tenants are more concerned about how to make the space their own, rather than with how t get it back to its original condition years down the line. However, it is worth it for both parties to make clear and fair arrangements upfront, then take photos of the space to make it easier to get it back to how it was and avoid any disagreements about the original state of the space.

If your business is looking at commercial MLS listings in Kansas City, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find more about office lease rates in Overland Park.

3 Technology Tips For Small Businesses in Office Space in Kansas

Technology can be both a blessing and a curse for many businesses, but this does not have to be the case if you really brainstorm what your business needs and find the right tools to carry it out. Here are a few technologies that have proved really helpful for small businesses, as suggested in the article 3 must-have tech assets for your small business”:

  1. Cloud Storage. Storing all of your documents in servers onsite can really take up space and slow down your computers, so consider taking advantage of cloud storage, in which you access your records through the internet. This allows the added bonus of flexibility, since you can access files anytime and anywhere.
  2. Mobility. Along with cloud storage, the use of smartphones and tablets can really help small businesses to be mobile, meaning they can be more responsive to customers, more able to collaborate regardless of location, and more able to be out working wherever they are needed.
  3. Web Security. So much work today involves utilizing the internet, and malware and infections from websites can really set a company’s productivity back. Reduce risk for your business by investing in good web security software.

Small businesses who make technology work for them in a positive way can really set themselves above the competition.

If your business is interested in office suites for rent in Overland Park, give Kathy Woodward at DDI Commercial a call at 913-685-4100!


5 Cost Efficient Ways to Improve Your Overland Park Office Space Decor

While decor is not necessarily a high priority item in a small business’s budget, it is possible to create an inviting space without spending too much money or violating any lease terms. Here are a few key things to focus on when sprucing up your space, as outlined in the article “6 Tips for Decorating the Perfect Office Space”:

#1 Reception Area

Some spaces might not have a reception area built in, so you will need to add one yourself. Instead of going with plain plasterboard walls, try to do something interesting that will make a good first impression on clients or customers, like setting up a rail or hanging a curtain to delineate a reception space. It can look good and add character to an office without costing too much to create or remove at the end of your lease.

#2 The Floor

If you can choose what to do with your carpeting options, look for a carpet tile. It is easy and cheap to replace just one stained carpet tile, versus having to replace the carpet in the entire office.

#3 The Walls 

There are ways to create a bright, colorful space without actually painting the walls—If you leave the walls white, you will not have to repaint them at the end of the lease. Instead, create pops of color through furniture items, colored dividers, workstations, or hanging framed artwork prints around the office (be sure to use removable hooks).

#4 Break Area

If you’re looking to both break up the office space and boost employee morale, consider creating a little break area where people can go to be away from their computers. Some offices put in pool tables, foosball tables, or TVs, but even  simple couch or a table and chairs can be a nice area for staff to get away for a few minutes.

#5 Plants

It is hard to go wrong with plants in an office, and adding greenery could be an extremely cheap way to really transform a space. Not only do they brighten up a space, but plants are proven to improve people’s moods. Be sure to pot the plants correctly to avoid any issues with soil or water stains on your carpets.

Consider these tips for improving your space if your goal is to keep the budget low and make good at the end of your lease without any problems!

If your business is interested in commercial space for lease in Overland Park, give a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park a call at 913-685-4100!

5 Tips for Upping Productivity at Your Office Space in Kansas

Sometimes the key to getting more work done is not putting in more hours, but working smarter.  Here are a few tips for making the most of your workday so that you can get more done and still enjoy your personal time, as suggested in the article “5 Ways To Be More Productive”:

1.Turn back the alarm clock. This can be hard to do as the days get shorter and the mornings get darker, but it is one of the easiest ways to get more done.  Try to get up just 30 minutes earlier, then try an hour if you can.  This will add a total of 5 hours to your workweek without requiring you to stay at the office late.  You might use that time simply to check emails, exercise, or get the kids ready for school, but regardless of what you do it will take the frantic edge off of busy days.

2.Block out distractions. In this age of technology, it is so tempting to constantly be checking texts, social media updates, online news stories, and more.  But one step towards higher productivity is making the conscious decision to turn everything off for a little while.  You can schedule small breaks for yourself for these activities if need be, or try noise cancelling headphones to help block out the day-to-day sounds of the office for a while.

3.Have the supplies you need. Make sure that your work area is properly equipped with everything you need to do your work efficiently.  Maybe it is time to restock on pens or paper clips, to get an external hard drive so that your computer isn’t so full, or maybe just untangle all of the cords that seem to knot themselves together under a desk.

4.Make to-do lists. It seems like an obvious tip, but so few people do it, which means that they either forget things all of the time or have remarkable memories. Whether it is on a sticky note or in a planner, try to keep a to-do list for yourself that includes both immediate daily tasks and overall weekly tasks.

5.Give yourself a break. It is important to occasionally take a break in order to sustain focus for a long day of work.  Studies suggest that short and intense work sessions are actually more productive then working at something for a long period of time.  Try to work for 90 minutes straight without any breaks or distractions, then walk away from work completely for a little while—have a snack, a cup of coffee, or even try to get a little workout in if you can.  You’ll come back to your desk fresh and ready to work again.

If you are feeling like you are constantly behind and unfocused, try out a few of these tips for making better use of your time!

If your business is interested in executive office rental in Overland Park, give Kathy Woodward at DDI Commercial a call at 913-685-4100!


Create a Checklist for Your Small Business in a New Office Rental Space in Kansas City

Small business owners tend to be more successful the more organized they are with determining and executing their start-up needs. Before actually putting a business plan into action, it is important to make a checklist that includes financing, business registration, legal work such as licenses and permits, and leasing a space.  Think about what order these things need to happen in, such as creating a business plan in order to apply for a loan and registering a business with the necessary government offices before applying for a banking account.  Here are some tips for what to include on a checklist of essential steps to getting a small business up and running, as suggested in the article “Setting Up a Small Business”:

#1 Business Plan

The absolute first step in setting up a small business is creating a business plan, which will serve as a road map showing how you will get financing; how your budget will be organized into money for leasing, licenses and permits, employee costs, advertising, improvements and build outs to a space; and your overall vision for how your business will operate and generate profit.

#2 Finances

Once you have an idea of what your budget will look like, the next step is to get the necessary loans to start your business.  A good place to look is through the Small Business Administration, which keeps a list of recommended commercial lenders for start-ups.

#3 Hiring and Employee Expenses

Employee wages and benefits can be one of the biggest expenses for small businesses.  The hiring process is time consuming and can involve a little bit of a financial investment on your part to look into candidates’ legal backgrounds and references.  The expenses of paying employees—benefits included—must be factored into your initial operating expense plans.

#4 Registering Your Business

In order to establish your business legally, it is necessary to register with the correct government agencies. There are several options for how a small business can form: a corporation, a sole proprietorship, a limited liability partnership (LLP), or a limited liability company (LLC).  An Article of Incorporation is necessary for a corporation, while LLCs and LLPs require Articles of Formation or Organization.  All of these articles must be filed with the state, and a business’s name must also be registered with the county or state of location. Finally, in order to be able to open a business banking account and register for federal taxes, a start up has to apply for a federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) through the IRS.

#5 Rent or Buy?

The next step to establishing a small business is finding a space in which to operate.  If you are hiring employees, it is likely that you will not have enough space for them in your home, so it will be necessary to find a commercial space in which to operate.  Most small business owners choose to rent instead of buy to save on initial costs.  Many small businesses opt for Triple Net (NNN) Lease, in which lessees pay for space by the square foot and also pay for a portion of maintenance needs and property taxes.

#6 Storage

If you have a small space for your office, you will most likely need to look into off-site storage options—which are typically relatively inexpensive—to leave more room for working in your commercial space. Look for a place that has both a strong gate and a combination lock, and be sure to check to see if it is climate controlled if you need to store important paper documents.  If you do need storage for your office, try to go for file cabinets and containers that can be stacked to take up as little floor space as possible.

#7 Setting Up Communications

Another thing to add to your checklist is setting up a phone line for your office.  Look into IP broadband phone systems with voice over versus a traditional phone system to potentially save a little money.  You can also look at online auctions or used office furniture stores to try to find a secondhand phone system—often you can get a good deal on a functioning phone system if you look carefully.

#8 Creating Workstations

The next step is purchasing furniture for your office, which you can find deals on through used office furniture stores or even closing sales held by local businesses.  In addition to looking for deals on furniture, try to maximize your use of each piece so you do not have to buy as much.  For instance, a cabinet will do just fine as a place to put a printer, versus an entirely different table for it.

#9 Equipment

Instead of outright buying equipment for your office when you are first starting out, try to lease as much as you can, including copy machines, computers, and fax machines—if possible try to get units that can fax, print, copy, and scan all in one piece of equipment so you don’t have to purchase as much toner or ink.  If you have major copy jobs, you can outsource these to a printing shop in your area and save a little money.  See if you can set up a corporate account with a print shop and maybe get some discounts on regular print orders.

When you are planning a startup, make sure you create an extensive checklist before taking action!

Give us a call at 913-685-4100 to talk to a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City about our affordable office space in Kansas City!


7 Ways to Use Office Supplies for Organization in Your Overland Park Office Space

Do you feel like you cannot be productive when your workspace is constantly cluttered?  A little organization might get you back at the top of your game.  Here are a few tips for tidying up your space using materials you already have in your office, as suggested in the articles “Office Hacks: Part I & Part II”:

1.DIY Charging Station. If you have so many devices to plug in that your workspace requires a power strip, consider hiding some of the ugly cords by making a charging station out of a simple box.  Simply cut the bottom off of a nice looking box and cut separate holes in the side of the box for each cable.  Put the power strip inside and feed the cords through the holes—this will prevent cords from getting too tangled and looks a lot nicer than a power strip!

2.Cord Organizer. Another way to keep cords organized is by using large binder clips to clamp the foldback, or extra cord, to the side of your desk, then threading the end of each cable through the handle of the clip to keep them from getting tangled.

3.Keyboard stand.  You can also use large binder clips to prop up your keyboard.  People prefer their keyboards to be at various levels—especially since typing all day can cause wrist problems—so adjust yours to a level that is comfortable for you by clipping the binder clips to the back of the keyboard and using the handles of the clips to prop the keyboard up.  You can slightly adjust the handles or use bigger or smaller clips to set your keyboard at the perfect height for you.

4.Post-it decorations. If you want some cheap, easy decoration for your wall, create shapes out of post-it notes.  Keep it simple with abstract designs or try to recreate a favorite painting.  It is quirky, interesting, and very easy to create and take down.

5.Wall mount for a tablet. Sometimes your tablet might be best served hanging on a wall—for instance if you need to watch something or give a presentation to someone.  Create an affordable wall mount for your iPad or tablet by using 3 or 4 hooks on the wall in the size and shape of your tablet.  Slide the tablet into the hooks to use it temporarily, or leave it up as a clock, weather station, or virtual photo album.

6.Water reminders. Many people drink cup after cup of coffee throughout the day to stay alert and focused, but staying hydrated is even more important and can also help you clear your mind.  Remind yourself to keep drinking water by buying a large water bottle and adding labels to it from top to bottom for each hour of your workday.  This will help you drink certain amounts of water regularly throughout your day.

7.Make your own phone speakers.  If you need a little music to stay focused, try creating these easy phone speakers out of a toilet roll and two plastic cups to amplify the sound a little.  Simply cut a slit into the toilet role to hold your phone, then cut holes into the sides of the plastic cups and connect them to the toilet roll so the cups are lying on their sides.

Get creative with the materials you already have in your office to find ways to keep yourself as organized and efficient as possible!

If your business is interested in commercial space for lease in Overland Park, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out more about our affordable office space in Kansas City!

5 Ways To Grow Your Small Business in Your Kansas City Office Space

While many people attempt to start small businesses, it takes more than just the initiative to strike out on your own to maintain a successful small business.  Check o out these tips for succeeding in the small business world from other businesses that have found success, as outlined in the article “Helping Your Business Grow Series”:

1. Be Unique.  Find your niche in the business world—there is no point in doing something that someone else is already doing well.

2. Hire Smart. Practice mindful employment. Assess the gaps in your business and work to employ people who have the skills to improve your business in these areas.

3. Innovate.  The key to remaining unique is innovation.  If you are successful, other businesses will try to imitate what you do, but consistent innovation will keep you at the head of the pack.

4. Be Proactive.  Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you.  If you find a gap in the market that your business could fill, do it before someone else gets there!

5. Build on your Strengths.  Focus on what your business well and continue to find ways to do it even better.

The key to small business growth is consistent hard work and creativity!

If your business is interested in a small office lease in Kansas City, give a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100.


5 Tips for Designing a Small Office Space in Kansas City

Small businesses tend to have to get creative when designing an office space.  Your office equipment and décor should allow for a combination of functionality and an inviting environment for clients and employees.  Here are a few tips for making the most of a small space, as suggested in the article “Small Office Space Layout Design & Storage Ideas”:

1.Go for Openness. Trying to cram too many cubicles and dividers into a small office space can make the office seem even smaller and more crowded.  Create an open office environment, which will have the added benefit of allowing for collaborative work and encouraging teamwork among your employees.  If you have to create a partitioned area, do it for meetings with clients or private discussions, and try to put this area in the back of your space.

2.Take Measurements. Not taking enough accurate measurements of a space is a simple mistake that many business owners make.  In addition to measuring your space, make sure you measure any piece of furniture or equipment you are considering purchasing to make sure that it will fit in the space that you want to put it.  Try measuring your current furniture and looking through catalogs with measurements listed to get an idea of what will actually fit.

3.Be Thrifty.  A lot of times you can find good furniture for an office at yard sales or thrift shops.  This can also allow you to be a little creative with your furniture—you can bypass the bulky, standard office furniture and try something unique and perhaps even more functional, such as long dining room tables for work stations or pullout desks that can save you some space.

4.Reduce Your Paper Files. “Go green” and cut down on clutter by taking advantage of online data and file storage options, such as DropBox, GoogleDocs,, and more.  You will save a lot of space with fewer papers to file.

5.Wall Storage. If you cannot fit file cabinets or other storage furniture in your office, look to the walls.  You can add shelves, cubbies and magazine holders to the walls in order to hold things like files, supplies, reference books, and more.  You can also use space under desks for storage containers for additional room.

Get creative with your small office space and create an environment that is unique, inviting, and efficient!

Looking for a small office lease in Kansas City?  Give us a call at 913-685-4100 to learn more about our affordable office space in Kansas City!


3 Steps to Cleaning Out Clutter in Your Office Suites for Rent in Kansas City

Clutter in an office space can be a major block to productivity.  Here are a few tips for keeping things clutter free, as suggested in the article “How to be clutter free in a wireless workplace”:

Step 1: Think about your needs.

Every office has different priorities and concerns, so it is important to think about what your office needs before making any changes.  Do you have multiple rooms in your office or one work area that contains technology?  Are you usually on the go?  Think about how you work before deciding what will actually be on your desk.

Step 2: Address your desk.

Do you need a telephone if you usually use your smart phone?  Would a wireless keyboard and mouse free up some space?  Little things like this can make a big difference in decreasing the clutter caused by wires.  If you have a lot of files sitting out, consider putting them in a cabinet under your desk or scanning them and saving them on an external hard drive.

Step 3: Update.

Sometimes it is important to take a look at your technology and see what can be updated.  Consider wireless backup drives, wireless headphones, and a wireless printer to reduce cords.  You can also make sure your Wi-Fi is boosted with a router to make sure it is functioning at peak performance.

Reduce the clutter of cords in your office by taking some time to purge and upgrade if necessary!

If your business is looking into office rental space in Kansas City, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out more about our office lease rates in Kansas City.

2 Potential Layouts for an Overland Park Office Space

Designing the layout of an office is an important part of setting up a functional business.  It can be difficult to balance employees’ need for privacy with the desire to create an atmosphere of open communication. Recently, the trend in office furniture and design has been shifting from traditional layouts to accommodating concerns about making offices more teamwork friendly.  Here are a few ideas to utilize in your small business space to create a productive and welcoming environment, as suggested in the article “Office Workplace & Workspace Designs That Work”:

Open Space

The traditional image that comes to mind when imagining a large office space is a maze of cubicles—but this has become associated with an overly divided and sanitized space that blocks communication between employees and stifles corporate culture and personality.  Designers have been trying to change this approach by creating open office spaces that allow employees to see each other, experience natural light, and communicate more easily. An option with this layout is also to add a small meeting table to the middle of a department space for meetings, as well as adding more private spaces for confidential gatherings.

Hub Layout

Another way to foster natural communication and gatherings in an office is to create a central hub at which these interactions can take place.  This area can contain shared equipment such as fax machines, copiers, and scanners, and a break area with coffee, snack machines, and water coolers.  If you want to make it more comfortable, consider adding tables and chairs to encourage informal meetings, birthday celebrations, or just casual conversations.  This can also be the location of a company bulletin board, employee award postings, and any other important messages. By centralizing shared resources, you can encourage interactions between employees who might not otherwise talk.

Office design has to be a strategic process that starts when a business first moves into a space and continues throughout the duration of a tenancy.  Too often it can be dictated by random expansion as new employees are brought on board.  The most functional office layouts are created by carefully considering employee interactions and productivity at every step of office changes with the ultimate goal of encouraging collaboration and maximum efficiency.

If your business is interested in a business space for rent in Overland Park, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out about our available Overland Park office space for lease!