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5 Productivity Boosters for Your Office Space in Overland Park, KS

In any office environment productivity is a major issue. Most motivated individuals are constantly striving to find ways to be more productive during the workday and to feel at the end of the day that they really got something done. To boost your productivity on the job, here are a few tips, as suggested in the article “5 Daily Habits That Will Increase Your Productivity Levels”:

#1 Plan Ahead

A more productive day can begin the night before. Spend just 10 to 15 minutes before you go to bed organizing your to do list for the next day, marking tasks that are more important than others.

#2 Avoid the Traffic

Particularly if you live in a big or crowded city, consider getting into work a little bit early to beat the traffic and give yourself time to start and I’m your most essential jobs for the day. Sitting in traffic and feel like a frustrating waste of hours, and can be a real mood killer at the beginning and end of your day.

#3 Focus on Being Focused

This may seem obvious or redundant, but in this age of technology is so easy to get distracted. Be mindful of your level of focus and remind yourself throughout the day to avoid those easy distractions, both online and in your actual office.

#4 Give Yourself a Break

Leaving the office for lunch is a great way to relieve stress and come back to the office feeling refreshed. Consider even taking a short walk to clear your head and prepare yourself to refocus for the remainder of the workday.

#5 Think of the Big Picture

Sometimes it is easy in the daily ho-hum of work life to lose sight of your overarching goals. Keep a list of these big goals on your phone, a post-it note, or something that you can have with you at all times. When you can see your goals frequently it can help motivate you to get things done.

Building better productivity can take time. Always try to be a little more productive than the day before and and consider even keeping track of your progress so that you can actually see the transformation.

If your business is thinking about moving to a new commercial space for rent in Overland Park, give Kathy Woodward at DDI Commercial a call at 913-685-4100 to learn about our available spaces.

4 Things a Startup Should Consider When Renting a Kansas City Office Space

Selecting an office space is a monumental task for any company, but it is particularly challenging for young companies doing it for the first time. While landlords typically want a tenant to stay for 5 to 7 years, this is often not ideal for new, growing companies who don’t really have an idea of where their business will be in the near future. While this can be a bit of a pickle for startups or growing companies, the key to finding a suitable office space is thinking about the specific needs of your business. Here are a few things to consider when searching for an office space, as suggested in the article “Choosing the Best Office Space for Your Startup”:

#1 Layout

To figure out what kind of layout your business needs, think about what kind of company you are. For example, if your work is based in creativity or even technology, you might want to follow the open office space trend to foster an environment of collaboration and idea sharing. However, if you are a law firm, you might want something with more private spaces so clients can feel that they can discuss sensitive issues in a more one-on-one environment. If you think your company could benefit from contact with similar businesses, look into options that allow you to share kitchen space or conference room with other tenants. This might give you an opportunity to meet and work with other small businesses that complement yours.

#2 Special Features

Make sure that an office space has all of the amenities that your business requires. A good way to approach this is to think of things to your business absolutely needs and things that you would ideally like to have. Think about not only features within the space, such as the kitchen or conference rooms, but also things like the parking spaces or restaurants and other amenities services in the area that your employees might need.

#3 Lease Length

New startup companies typically want to aim for leases that are on the shorter side. You might only have a handful of employees now, but that number could grow and a matter of months. Keep an eye on your long-term business plan as you look at spaces, and try not to get locked into something that could stifle your growth. Talk to landlords about your options if your company grows, such as subleasing space or having the potential to expand into other space on the property.

#4 Cost

This obviously needs to be a bottom line in your decision. While businesses often calculate costs according to the price of the space per employee, it might be helpful for new business to think about how much you can actually spend per month total for your team. Don’t forget to factor in things like utilities, furniture, and other hidden fees, as these things can quickly increase the total cost of the space. Remember that a lot of these things will differ depending on the location where you are looking. It is important to give yourself several months to research and plan a transition before actually moving.

If you are a small business looking for your first office space, is important to have a good idea of what you want before you begin the negotiations. Often this is the kind of decision that can make or break a business, so make sure to consider it from every angle before investing in a rental space.

Are you an entrepreneur looking for a small office lease in Kansas City? Give a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100 for more information about our available office spaces.

3 Essential Things You Need When Renting Your First Office Space in Kansas City

Regardless of what kind of space you’re looking for, if you want to rent an office space for the first time there are a few things to keep in mind, starting with the fact that the landlord is renting out the space for the purpose of making money. This means that you as a potential tenant need to both convince them that you’re a reliable business to lease to and also look after your own interests during negotiations. Be ready to answer the landlord’s tough questions and prepare yourself for the whole process by considering a the following factors, as suggested in the article “Steps to Secure Your First Commercial Space”:

#1 A Business Plan

Having a solid business plan to show a landlord is especially important for new companies who can’t provide a history of financial statements to show their credit worthiness. Think of showing a business plan to landlord as similar to pitching your company to investors. A landlord is also taking a risk and making an investment in the success of your business, so it is important to give them a clear, realistic, but hopefully positive outline of where your business is headed. If your company is simply relocating, try to supply the landlord with information about your rental history and previous budget plans to show that you are a financially stable tenant.

#2 An Agent

While it is possible to rent a space without an agent, an agent can be extremely helpful, particularly for new businesses who don’t have a lot of experience with the commercial real estate market. It is important to select an agent who will work with you throughout the entire process and who is representing only your interest and not acting as an agent for both you and the landlord. Remember that the listing agent named on the property’s advertisement was hired to work for the best interests of the landlord. One advantage of working with an agent is that they know the markets and can give you an idea of fair rental rate in that area. They can also help you during negotiations, which could save your company a significant amount of money in the long run, and they are also familiar with the language of leases, so they understand what will benefit or potentially hurt your company. If the landlord pays for your agent, as is almost always the case, there is very little downside to working with an agent.

#3 An Exit Strategy 

Although it’s not the most pleasant thing to think about, just as you have an exit strategy for your business you should also have an exit strategy for your lease that is factored into your lease negotiations. If you’re working with a good agent, they should be able to help you negotiate for certain provisions that will make it easier to get out of the lease if absolutely necessary. Some of these provisions include a sublease or assignment clause, or an early termination clause. This aspect of renting a space can be difficult to navigate and absolutely must be taken care of before signing the lease, so strongly consider consulting with an agent as you form your exit plan.

A favorable lease is so important, particularly for small businesses just starting out in their first rental space. If you don’t have a lot of experience with the commercial real estate market, it is important to prepare yourself for negotiations by having a business plan and exit strategy ready, preferably with help from an agent.

If your business is considering a small office lease in Kansas City, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to learn more about our affordable office space in Kansas City.

Thinking Like a CEO When Looking For Commercial Realty in Kansas City

Looking for a new office space but don’t even know what you need yet? Here are a few things that a CEO of a New York Stock Exchange publicly traded company listed as top priorities in a new office space, as outlined in the article “5 Things CEO’s Want from their Office Space”:

  • Image. An office space should project a professional and positive image to both clients/customers and employees. The space should make an impression, but not be too extravagant – the kind of space that helps a company attract and keep good people.
  • Wellbeing. A good space should reflect concerns for the health, safety, and wellbeing of those who work there. Some things to consider are security, lighting, and amenities in the space and near the property.
  • Collaboration and Efficiency. A space should be designed with the goal of enhancing productivity, especially by allowing employees to work together.

If you are thinking about renting a new office space, consider thinking like these experts as you decide what kind of space will best serve you, your employees, and your clients!

Looking for office rental space in Kansas City? Give Kathy Woodward at DDI Commercial a call at 913-685-4100 for information on our available spaces or to set up a tour!

4 Reasons to Quit Sitting in Your Office Space in Kansas

The health community has been abuzz with the news that sitting poses one of the biggest threats to a person’s health over their lifetime. Sitting not only causes short term problems, such as back soreness, but can also take years off of a person’s life and counteract productivity – and small business owners who are already experiencing the stress of working round the clock to get things off the ground cannot afford threats to health and productivity. Here are a few reasons to start doing a little more standing in your office, as suggested in the article “5 Reasons to Get Off Your Butt at Work”:

#1 Reduce Risk of Disease

You might be thinking to yourself that you hit the gym on a regular basis, so this health concern is unnecessary for you – but that is incorrect. Studies have shown that even people who exercise regularly cannot fight off the damage done by prolonged sitting. Some of the diseases connected to extended sitting over a lifetime include obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, with a correlation between people who experience chronic illnesses and report long periods of sitting during their days.

#2 Back Pain

One of the most immediate and apparent side effects of sitting is back pain, since sitting puts a strain on the natural alignment of the back. There are some tools to aid with this problem, such as quality chairs or special pillows, but even with these it is difficult to maintain good posture.

#3 Increase Productivity

It is a well known fact that brief work breaks can improve a person’s overall productivity by allowing their focus and concentration to reset. Taking occasional breaks – particularly standing ones, can help relieve both the strain of working hard and the toll on your body.

#4 Boost Your Mood

Any kind of exercise is a natural mood enhancer, so combining breaks with a little exercise – a brief walk around the office or even outside during lunch – can really help improve the quality of your workday and your health.

Consider implementing a few changes throughout your workday to ease the physical and mental stress of sitting at a desk for too long. Challenge yourself to work at a high table while standing, or at least give yourself a break to stretch and walk around every hour!

If your business is interested in executive office rental in Overland Park, give a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park a call today to learn about our affordable spaces!

Messages Color Can Send About Your Office Space in Kansas City

The idea that color can have a positive effect on mood is not a new concept. Here are a few ways that the colors and hues of your office can send positive messages, as suggested in the article “Transform Your Workspace With Color”:

Fiery Colors

Using small amounts of warm, bright colors such as red or orange can energize a space. These colors are great for areas where employees are not actually working, such as hallways, kitchen spaces, or bathrooms. A small amount of red can raise the heart rate, but too much can promote stress and aggression.

Cool Colors

Cool colors such as blue and green–ones often found in nature–have been proven to be calming. Pastels, such as lilac, can have a similar effect.They can transport people from a cramped, fluorescent workspace to a more natural environment and corresponding mood. One great way to achieve this effect is by adding plants to your office.


Yellow and other brights accents promote happiness and self-esteem. These colors are best on furniture, accent walls or other decor, because an overwhelming amount of yellow can be agitating.

If you are thinking about painting your office space, consider these ways to use color to boost the mood in your workplace!

If your business is interested in a small office lease in Kansas City, give a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call 913-685-4100 to set up a tour of one of our spaces!

Is My Startup Ready For a Commercial Space for Lease in Overland Park?

Sometimes when new companies experience sudden growth they find themselves in need of a new space as soon as possible. But for a new business owner, the process of locating a space and negotiating a good lease can be a challenge. Here are a few steps to take as you start the lease process, as suggested in the article “When Your Startup Is Ready to Rent an Office on Its Own”:

#1 Asses and Organize Your Finances

One of the most important questions a property owner will need to know about is whether or not your business will be able to pay rent and what will happen it you cannot. Property owners usually require a security deposit or a personal guarantee from an individual who can be financially responsible for your business. Take some time to compile financial references, bank statements, tax returns, and possibly even some sort of documentation from your bank vouching for your available credit. If at all possible, try to avoid offering a personal guarantee for your office space, which would mean putting your personal assets on the line in the event that the company fails – a very risky move.

#2 Select a Space With Room for Growth

You do not want your business to have to move again immediately, so really think carefully about the ideal amount of office space your business needs as well as the type of space your business needs – both at present and in the future. If at all possible, try to ask the landlord for an option space, or the first rights to an offer on another space in the building that becomes available during your tenancy. You might also consider choosing to rent extra space from the beginning, which you can sublease to another business on a short-term basis – but make sure that this is agreed upon clearly in your lease. Also try to get the right to assign the space to another business or individual in the event that you do need to move.

#3 Get Expert Help

Before you seriously consider any spaces, make sure you have someone that can give you solid commercial real estate advice. Try to look for a commercial real estate broker who specifically represents tennis or start ups. You want an agent who will understand the particular needs of a new businesses and can be a liaison on your behalf with landlords. It is important to work with a tenant broker, because you know they will represent you and your business versus the owner of the property. Usually these brokers are paid for by the owners of the property, so it will not be a financial burden to your business.

For further advice, consider consulting an engineer, architect, and an experienced real estate lawyer who handles leases and the particular area where you are looking. Working with these professionals early in the process could potentially save your business time, stress, and money in the long run. Another general benefit of seeking professional expertise is that it frees you up to continue to focus on your day today business tasks. If you are too distracted by the leasing process it can hurt your business is productivity at the time.

#4 Watch For Hidden Costs

Leases can be riddled with hidden costs for tenants. Whether it is marking up utility costs, or charging extra fees for construction, these expenses can have a drastic impact on the overall price tag of the space. This is another reason it’s beneficial to seek legal counsel. Experienced brokers or attorneys can help find these costs and judge their fairness in the current market and location. They can also help determine the benefits your company might be entitled to in a lease, such as a rent-free period, an allowance for tenant improvements, or other owner contributions and incentives.

#5 Determine Your Business’s Specific Needs

Sometimes businesses need a property owner to build out on the property, which is a major but not uncommon decision. If this is something your business needs, it is obviously going to be a major part of lease negotiations. But in addition to this companies might also have more specific needs – for instance having to do with antennas, energy, backup power, or kitchen facilities. Expect most leases to only cover very basic amenities, so in addition to negotiating for any construction you need done, you will also need to be very clear about any of these other special requirements.

If you’re startup business is getting to the the point where you know that you will need a new space, make sure that you as the owner are also ready to take this step. Seek the right counsel, do plenty of research, and make sure you know what your business needs and can offer a property owner.

If you are interested in looking into office rental space in Overland Park, give a commercial real estate broker and Overland Park a call at 913-685-4100.

Tips for Sticking to New Year’s Resolutions in Your Office Space in Overland Park, KS

If you plan to make any resolutions this new year, why stop with just your personal life? Try to make a few resolutions for your work life as well – and stick to them. Consider making it your plan as an office to come up with goals for the new year and hold each other accountable to them—a great way to actually execute those yearly hopes. Here are a few tips for making your New Year’s resolutions last, as suggested in the article “7 Tips to Stick To Your New Years Resolutions”:

#1 Write Your Resolutions

In this digital age it might seem easy to just make a note on your phone or or your laptop – or just to not bother recording resolutions at all, but there’s something satisfying about putting pen to paper when making a resolution.  Writing out a list or a goal and being able to check items off gives an actual sense of accomplishment. Scientifically, the things we physically write down tend to stay with us more. So write your resolutions down and then put them in a place where you will see them on a regular basis.

#2 Find Friends

It is important to tell people about your resolutions. One option is to actually pair up with someone in your office or life in general and help each other stick to your resolutions. Another option with so much access to social media is to blog, Tweet, or post on Facebook about your resolutions (without being overly personal or obnoxious). The idea of sharing a resolution gives you an accountability system. It makes you feel more responsible for keeping your resolution because you feel obligated to those individuals, even if they aren’t really a part of the resolution or actively check in with you about it.

#3 Set Small Goals

Set short-term goals for yourself, such as weekly or monthly benchmarks. Give yourself “due dates” periodically, and consider even buying a calendar that specifically focuses on these mile markers. They don’t need to be excessive or unrealistic goals, but breaking the process into manageable time periods can help keep you accountable and encouraged. Consider also setting aside rewards for yourself as you meet these deadlines. Make sure these rewards don’t to run counter to your goals – such as an ice cream binge when you’re trying to lose weight – but still make you feel good and excited about accomplishing something.

#4 Step by Step

Don’t get overwhelmed by how much there is to do between now and the attainment of your future goal. Take things day by day and just focus on achieving your aims for tomorrow. Keep in mind your overall goal throughout your day, but don’t let yourself to dwell on how big your hopes are. Simply keep working away at the daily details.

#5 Don’t Be Your Own Worst Critic

It is easy to beat yourself up or become discouraged if you start to fall behind on your resolutions. But don’t let yourself get lost in your failures. Instead, try to view them as learning experiences to avoid in the future. Too much focus on the negative will not only hurt your productivity, but will bring you and the people around you down.

Whether your goal is to land more clients than the year before, or simply to keep your workspace more organized take a little time to really set your resolutions and outline a plan for pursuing them. Make this year the year that your resolutions extends beyond just the month of January!

If your business is looking for a new office space in Kansas for the new year, Give us a call at 913-685-4100 to learn more about our office suites for rent in Overland Park or to set up a tour!

5 Steps To Take When Finding A New Overland Park Office Space for the New Year

One of the keys to success is finding a degree of happiness in the workplace. A big part of your attitude in your professional life is the environment in which you work, so finding a good office space is so important. By the same token, approaching the office space search with a positive attitude and a clear mind can make a difference in handling the stress of such an involved process. Here are a few steps to take when looking for an office space to rent with a positive attitude, as suggested in the article “New Year’s Resolutions and Your Office”:

#1 Decide What You Want

Give yourself time before you start searching to actually think about what you want for your business – not just thinking about what you should want, but the kind of place and future for your business that will increase your happiness. Perhaps you need more time, more money, a better sense of balance. Whatever you are looking for, give yourself the time to really think about it before rushing into the process.

#2 Make a Plan

Once you decide what you are looking for, make a plan for your search. It is important to actually write this out – it gives you a higher chance of actually realizing your goals!

#3 Execute!

Don’t wait! Put your plan into action. Know that the process will take time, but put in the necessary work searching for space and researching the market – it will pay dividends in the long run.

#4 Check Your Attitude

It is important to approach this search in the right frame of mind. Sometimes finding an unexpected great deal is possible, but this demands some persistence and passion. Visualize what you want for your business and continue to pursue this vision.

#5 Be Ready For Obstacles

There are often a lot of roadblocks and dead ends in the search for the perfect commercial space, so be ready to have plenty of plan B’s. Don’t be afraid to walk away from a bad deal, and make sure to give yourself plenty of options to compare.

Start your New Year with a plan to make your work life positive – either in your current workspace or in your search for a new one!

If your business is interested in commercial space for lease in Overland Park, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to learn more about our affordable office space in Overland Park.