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3 Tips For Creating and Managing a Healthy Environment in Your Overland Park Office Space

3 Tips For Creating and Managing a Healthy Environment in Your Overland Park Office Space

Establishing and promoting a healthy working environment is essential to a happy, productive office. A healthy lifestyle is something that people primarily have to choose for themselves in their personal lives, but since people spend so much time at the office it can really help them to have a health conscious environment there as well. Here are a few new ideas that encourage healthy habits in the workplace, as outlined in the article “4 Tips For Improving the Health & Happiness of Your Office”:

1. Avoid Unnecessary Stress:

One thing that we hear over and over again at work is to avoid stress; it is the best way to stay healthy. And the experts aren’t wrong about this. Studies have shown that when we aren’t stressed out at work we tend to eat healthier, have better relationships with people in our lives, and be in an overall better mood throughout the day. All of these things are beneficial to employees both in their personal lives and in their work lives. It’s difficult to avoid stress altogether in an office, but trying to create a more comfortable environment and having a read on the office’s stress level is a good way to start making minor changes.

2. Encourage Progress:

Once you have the stress level down you can start encouraging people to make healthier choices in their daily routines. One way of doing this is to keep track of employee’s fitness progress or habits by creating motivational programs or competitions within the office. With this data you can keep track of departments goals, their overall health progress, and who is leading in making healthy choices. You’d be surprised the kind of improvements people make when they can see their progress in numbers and be recognized for their efforts.

3. Sustain a Healthy Environment:

After encouraging progress in employees and eliminating stress you have to maintain that healthy office environment. It is easy to fall back into old habits after a few weeks of healthy changes. The best thing someone can do is to create an overall health program for the office to be continued over a long period of time. This could include a number of things, like healthy snack options, office fun runs, and walks after lunch.  Common spaces and break rooms can be transformed into places where employees can relax and enjoy their time.

These changes are, of course, gradual but you’ll be surprised by the improved happiness and productivity of employees over time once these changes are implemented in a workspace.

If you are interested in finding affordable office space in Kansas City you may want to try a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park. Call 913-685-4100 for more information about our available space!

6 Tips for Evaluating an Office Building in Overland Park

If you are looking to move to a new office building, it is important to check to make sure that not only the specific office space, but the building itself meets your standards. Here are a few tips for evaluating an office building, as suggested in the article, “HOW TO: Choose the Right Office Space”:


This is a major concern for any business to ensure the safety and comfort of their employees. Some things to check for include the following:

  • History of break-ins in the building
  • Locks on doors, windows, skylights
  • Need for extra security
  • 24-hour access that also includes security

Neighboring Businesses 

Consider the other companies in the property and whether or not they are competitors. Having a competitor around could mean the possibility of another business overhearing your own business’s private information or even trying to deliver pitches to visiting clients.


Check to see if the property has any plans for major repairs or additions in the near future. Depending on the length of your lease, improvements to the property could be useful to you in the long run, but remember that you would be signing up for months of loud noise and general construction mess.


One way to check and see if the property managers maintain the building well is to check in with current tenants about the quality of the service. You could even get the name of the firm that manages security and other services to check and see if they are reputable.


Check to see what the building’s parking situation is, both for cars and bikes. If the building itself does not have enough parking spaces or a parking garage, make sure there is enough parking in the surrounding area for both your employees and clients or customers. You might even ask the landlord about renting extra parking spaces for regular visitors.


One thing you might want to look into is whether or not the building provides a reception desk. If so, what is the service like? Is it more of a security checkpoint or a receptionist focused on customer service? Remember that this will be the first impression a visitor has of your business, so if it is not your own people at the desk, you still want to make sure it is someone who you are assured is doing a professional job.

If you’re looking to relocate to a new office space, remember to look into different aspects of the building itself!

To learn more about Overland Park office space for lease, give a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park a call at 913-685-4100!

3 Ways to Evaluate a Kansas City Office Space Location

3 Ways to Evaluate a Kansas City Office Space Location

A big thing to consider when renting a new space is the area in which it is located. A good way to do this is to make a checklist of things that are important to your business and see if a location meets that criteria. Here are some examples of questions you might ask when evaluating an office building’s location, as suggested in the article “HOW TO: Choose the Right Office Space”:

1. The Neighborhood. There are a few things you want to consider when looking at the neighborhood, the most important being whether or not it is a safe area, which is important for both your customers/clients and your employees. You might also want to consider the perceived atmosphere of the neighborhood—if you’re setting up in a place known for hip and rising businesses, that could really give your own business’s image a nice boost.

2. Amenities and Services. Think about things like where your employees can go for lunch, where you can meet clients, where you can get office supplies, and what other surrounding businesses might make it convenient for employees to run errands after work.

3. Transportation. This is a particularly important issue if you are in a big city center—you want to check for nearby subway or bus lines, but also think about how easy it is to reach you by car or even bike. Be sure to communicate with employees about how the location affects their commute and what their options are.

Location is such an important part of selecting a good office space, so be sure to take the time to consider an office’s location from all angles!

If your business wants to know more about office lease rates in Kansas City, give a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100!

4 Ideas For Keeping Your Kansas City Office Space Cool

4 Ideas For Keeping Your Kansas City Office Space Cool

With temperatures rising, the change from a boiling hot spot and a cool office makes all the difference with employee comfort and productivity. Here are some tips on how to turn a sauna of an office into cool breezy workspace, as outlined in the article “5 Tips for Keeping Your Office Cool During the Hot Summer Months”:

1. Close the windows and turn on the AC.

This one might seem like a no-brainer but with winter months behind us one of the best ways to beat the heat is to close the windows and keep cool air inside. A combination of an open window and blasting air conditioning not only hurts the energy bill but also causes the office to become hotter. Keep the hot air outside and the cool air inside by making sure your air conditioning unit is up to date and running efficiently.

2. Avoid dehydration.

Dehydration can cause several problems for employees during the hotter months. Keeping water nearby and plentiful can help with the overall comfort of employees and increasing the general good mood of everyone in the office, so make sure the office water cooler is available to everyone.

3. Switch off and cool down.

Do you have some electronics that aren’t being used during the summer months, or at all? Like an obsolete fax machine that only costs you money by increasing your energy bills? Turn it off and unplug it. Doing this can help reduce the temperature in the office by making sure certain electronic equipment isn’t giving off excess heat that the office definitely doesn’t need.

4. Ditch the suits and heavy clothing.

Comfort seems to be a key to better moods and productivity, so if you want to see customer satisfaction increase because of the better moods of your employees it might be a great idea to implement a more casual dress code. Have employees ditch the constricting suit and tie instead let employees come in whatever they want; this will help better moods in many ways.

Giving attention to comfort during these hot summer months can help a lot with productivity, so cool down your office and keep it working strong!

If you are looking for affordable office space Kansas City, try a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City. Call 913-685-4100 for more information about our available space.

7 Ways to Bring Summer Fun Into Your Office Space in Kansas

7 Ways to Bring Summer Fun Into Your Office Space in Kansas

It can be hard to be cooped up inside all day during summer, even for working adults who are used to the lack of a summer break. Think about boosting the morale of your employees by making their summer at work a bit more enjoyable. When employees are happier, they tend to be more productive and work better with others—so everybody wins. Here are a few ways to encourage a little summer fun in your office, as suggested in the article “4 Super Summer Fun Tips For Your Business”:

#1 Let people enjoy the fresh air. 

Fresh air makes people feel better and a little more connected to the outdoors, so open a few windows if the weather permits it. You might also improve air quality by adding a few plants, which have been proven to reduce illness and even rid the air of pollutants.

In addition to increasing employee access to fresh air within the office, why not go the extra step and allow employees the opportunity to work outside when the weather is nice? Encourage them to bring laptops and direct them to outdoor areas where they can work productively. A little bit of fresh air will do everyone some good.

#2 Give extended breaks and lunches.

Every now and then, consider allowing your employees the opportunity to spend a little more of their day outside the office to enjoy good weather. They will come back feeling refreshed and recharged—and probably much more likely to overcome the lethargic afternoon doldrums that set in post-lunch.

#3 Throw summer parties.

Contrary to the comic heyday that TV and movies have had with company events, they can actually be really fun for employees and a great way to boost morale. Of course, these need to be carefully planned an executed—otherwise they might end up a little like an episode of The Office. But since people do spend a lot of time at work, they often develop close friendships that are worth nurturing. Company parties are a great way for employees to see both each other and management in a different light. Obviously, summertime events like these are a great way to take advantage of outdoor weather, so consider hosting events like rafting, ballgames, or picnics.

In addition to official company events, employees might enjoy and appreciate the occasional spontaneous gathering during the work day. This does not have to be anything big—just an hour at a park with some frisbees, snacks, and sodas. As long as these events don’t detract too much work time, people might appreciate a short opportunity to relax and enjoy the weather.

#4 Give a little time off.

This seems a bit drastic at first, but it can be beneficial to your business in the long run. Well-rested employees tend to be more creative, happy, and productive. Employees’ moods can affect everyone in the office, so it is beneficial to all to foster a happy atmosphere. Additionally, employees will remember and appreciate this time off for the rest of the year, especially since most people prefer time off in the summer to enjoy the weather or spend time with their kids.

#5 Consult Your Employees

Ask your employees themselves for summer fun suggestions, and then let them vote on what they want to do. This will get more ideas circulating, generate excitement for summer, and allow employees to feel like they have a say in planning things.

Companies like Google and Facebook have demonstrated the benefit of a little fun introduced to an office space. While you don’t need to go out and buy some scooters and ping pong tables, there are plenty of simple ways to introduce a little summer fun into your office and boost everyone’s mood, creativity, and ultimately productivity!

If your business is looking for Overland Park office space for rent, give Kathy Woodward at DDI Commercial a call at 913-685-4100 to find out more about our affordable spaces!

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Signing a Lease for an Office Space in Overland Park, KS

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Signing a Lease for an Office Space in Overland Park, KS

Signing a lease for a new office space can be a big move for a small company., whether you are upgrading to a new, hipper office or needing a downgrade to fit your more modest needs. Before you sign that contract here are ten questions you should ask yourself, as outlined in the article “Top 10 Tips for Planning your Office Space.”

1. Did I try to negotiate?

Negotiation is important to any big decision when dealing with landlords. Contracts should fit your terms and theirs, so don’t be afraid to ask for a break clause in your contract as well as a rent-free period.

2. Is this the location I want?

Location is obviously very important to a business. Not only must it be a good place to do business but also a place that attracts potential clients or an attractive area to work for new employees. Consider places for lunch, banks, places to entertain clients, parking, accessibility; these are all important to look for.

3. Is the office right for what I am doing?

Ask yourself what you will be doing in the office space. Will you be meeting clients or just holding staff meetings? Depending on what you use your office space for you could consider different types of office options.

4. Do I have the financial stability for this lease?

Financial stress can really hurt a new business. So before you go signing a lease for a brand new office remember to look at the price tag and weigh out what that means for your business. There are many alternatives to a traditional office and considering different options could make a huge difference.

5. Do I feel secure in this building?

Security is something everyone needs to consider when looking at new office space. You may want to consider facilities with security for employees or lockers where staff can place their things. Also will the building be safe both day and night? Especially when staff and clients are coming and going.

6. Have I considered all the different types of offices?

What kind of staff do you have? How many people will be coming in and out of your office? If it is just you working in the office it might be wise to consider office communities or some sort of work hub. They promote introductions, meeting new people and networking in ways that other offices do not.

7. Can I knock down walls?

How much freedom over the space will you have when you move into your office? If you want to make renovations could you? In a fast paced and changing market it is important to have an office that represents you as a company.

8. How much space do I need?

Variety in workspace is very important to productivity, creativity and energy.  So when trying to decide on your new office space, make sure that the offices have everything you need from places for meetings to contemplation spaces for personal assignments.

9. How much will the extra stuff cost me?

It is important to remember that when renting a new office that there are many things that come after the initial purchase. Things like internet, phone lines, kitchen dishes and utilities could all come into play after the initial purchase. It’s easy to forget that you might need a coffee maker after moving in all those computers and desk chairs.

10. Have I thought about the future?

One thing that is very important to new business is to think whether the space will be the right fit five to ten years from now. Prepare to commit to your lease; you need to think in both the long-term and the short-term goals of the company.

Make sure to look these questions over before signing the contract for your new office space!

If you’re looking for business space for rent in Overland Park contact a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City at 913-685-4100 for more information!

4 Reasons to Renovate Your Office Space in Overland Park, KS

4 Reasons to Renovate Your Office Space in Overland Park, KS

As a small business owner, you have to do so many things on a daily basis to ensure that your business continues to be productive and grows—which often does not leave a lot of time for considering long-term strategies for your business’s improvement. While you probably spend a lot of time thinking about improving customer service or encouraging employee productivity, you might not have thought about the ways that renovating your actual office space can improve your overall business. Here are a few reasons to consider renovating your space, as outlined in the article “The Benefits of Office Renovation for Your Small Business”:

#1 An Office Facelift 

Sometimes you just get stuck in a rut at work and need a little change of environment. Even simply making a few small changes, such as new window treatments or a paint job can make your office look like a totally new place. A facelift like this can really make it more appealing place to be and improve your mood every time you walk into it.

#2 Attracting New Clients, Customers, and Employees

Renovating a space is a great way to improve the first impression you give to your customers. Particularly if your business attracts a lot of foot traffic, making sure your space is inviting and modern is a great way to attract prospective new customers or clients and send a message about who your business is.

Additionally, you will not only attract new clients or customers, but a nice office can also have a lot of appeal to prospective employees. Obviously most people’s first choice would be to work from home, but the runner-up would definitely be in office that looks well-maintained and contemporary. A nice looking space might mean a few bonus points for your company in the eyes of a prospective employee who is filling out an application or interviewing.

#3 A Productivity Boost

An office renovation can also help increase staff productivity. There as a lot of decoration wisdom out there about how to decorate your office to affect mood, for example, by painting your office a soothing color or an energizing color. Amenities like ergonomic furniture can help increase the comfort of your employees, or even just rearranging the office to make better use of space will help people move around more easily and be more productive. A better office design will not only increase employee comfort and satisfaction, but a truly efficient office design will also help everyone work harder—and hopefully increase your overall profits.

#4 Green Improvements

Renovating your office can also increase your energy efficiency, which has the twofold benefit for you of knowing that you’re being an environmentally responsible business and being able to save some money on energy costs. If you’re already upgrading your office, it can’t hurt to make some of those upgrades “green.” For example, adding a programmable thermostat, automatic faucets, or windows with double panes—all simple things—can cut energy costs yearly by as much as one-third.

If your business has considered renovating your office, you might think about how each of these different benefits could best be achieved by your renovations. If you have been too busy with the day today of running a small business, take a moment and consider whether renovations could be a beneficial long-term investment for your business!

Interested in commercial space for rent in Overland Park? Give a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park a call at today 913-685-4100 to learn more about our available spaces and even set up a tour.

3 Commute Considerations for Finding a New Office Space in Kansas

3 Commute Considerations for Finding a New Office Space in Kansas

If you are looking for a new office, on aspect to consider is how the location will affect the commute for you and your employees. Here are a few things to think about, as suggested in the article “Choosing the Right Office Space”:

#1 Length of the Commute

If you are relocating to a place that is difficult to reach, a long and stressful journey to and from work everyday could take a toll on your employees, causing their mood to plummet before they even get into work. Think about what the fastest routes are to your new office or if public transportation is an option.

#2 Traffic

Another thing to consider is traffic in the area. Even if the commute is a short distance, heavy traffic during rush hour could also affect the length of time it takes your employees to commute to and from work, so be sure to give the route a test drive yourself.

#3 Major Construction

If you know that a major road or a stretch of public transportation is due for a long term closure, this is something to also factor in, as these kinds of upgrades can sometimes take years. Check with local transportation services so you know what to expect.

Considering location and commute is important for attracting and retaining the staff that you want in your office.

If you are looking at commercial MLS listings in Kansas City, give one of our real estate brokers a call at 913-685-4100 to find out more about our Kansas City office space for lease.

How to Lease Office Equipment for Your Office Rental Space in Overland Park

One of the many expenses to consider as you move into a new office space is how to acquire office equipment. For small companies just starting out, leasing office equipment might be the cheapest and most convenient option, plus it gives you the flexibility to change out your equipment for more  updated models down the line. If this sounds like the best route for your business, here are a few steps to take when renting office equipment, as suggested in the article “5 Office Equipment Leasing Tips for Startups”:

  1. Figure out your finances. Most equipment leasing businesses will want certain paperwork from you, including financial statements, tax returns, and a written lease proposal. Since companies are interested in the soundness of your financial background, they are probably going to want to know about your credit history as well, so consider getting a credit score just to check before you start this process. Remember also that even if your paperwork is excellent, some companies simply do not want to lease to new businesses (i.e. businesses that are under two years old). When you start talking to an equipment rental company, make sure that one of the first questions you ask is whether they will work with a new business. This way there will be no surprises when lease signing time comes.
  2. Only apply to a few companies at a time. While common sense would dictate that it is best to look at as many options as possible, when looking for office equipment try to keep it to only two prospects at a time. This is because too many different applications at once could cause leasing companies to question whether they should lease to you at all.
  3. Look for industry specific equipment. For instance, you might be able to find rental companies that specialize in catering, printing, or some other industry, and thus they will have a good selection of equipment that is industry specific. Looking in this narrower range will ensure you get the equipment that your business needs to function.

If you are a new business starting up, you could really save some money and get some modern equipment that perfectly meets your needs by renting office equipment instead of buying!

If your business is interested in office suites for rent in Overland Park, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to learn more about our Overland Park office space for lease!

4 Tips for Your First Office Space Lease in Overland Park Negotiations

Finding an office space to rent for your growing business means opening a new chapter in your future. While the real estate market has been improving recently, there are still some advantages that tenants can leverage in negotiations, and the best way to obtain these advantages is to be prepared. Here are a few negotiation tips to consider, as outlined in the article “How to negotiate your first office lease”:

#1 The Lease Term

One of the most important elements of a lease is deciding the lease term. A stable business should consider a longer lease if possible, because landlords prefer these long-term leases and it will give you a little more leverage in negotiations. However, if you are just starting out, you may not want to commit to a long lease because new businesses typically need some flexibility while their trajectory is still uncertain. Unfortunately, most landlords prefer multiple year leases, so this does lower your negotiating leverage and might prevent a landlord from agreeing to certain requests, for example, improvements to the space. But fear not, there are landlords out there willing to offer short term leases, so be sure to look for those and try to find as many options as you can in order to compare.

#2 Evaluate Your Requirements

Before you start seriously looking at spaces, it is important to have an outline of what kind of office space you want for your business. How many private offices do you want? Do you need break rooms or a kitchen area? Conference rooms? What kind of office design are you envisioning – will desks be in a traditional office layout or a more innovative arrangement? There are pros and cons to both of those office layout options: traditional cubicle setups are more cost-effective, but more open spaces are becoming popular as a way to promote creativity and give an office a modern feel. Other things to consider when coming up with your office space layout is what kind of customer or client interactions you have, and how much privacy is needed.

#3 Study the Market

Do some real research on what is out there before you settle on a single space. A good way to really get a grasp on the market is to work with a professional. Even if you feel like you can find a space yourself, it is helpful to have a real estate broker to assist you in navigating all of the lease terms, clauses, fees, etc. Bear in mind that tenant’s brokers are paid by landlords, so bringing your own representation to the table might help you get the best deal possible.

#4 Work for Favorable Terms

Take nothing at face value, particularly the rental rate of a space. One thing to ask for if you are looking for a longer lease term is a few months of free rent, which lowers the overall costs for you but allows the landlord to still charge the listed rental rate. Also talk to the landlord about allowances for improving or customizing the space. Finally, ask about what options your business has if you grow rapidly during the term of your lease and need more space – for example, can you expand into another space on the property.

As a small business owner, it is important to enter the search for a rental space with an idea of the overall process and what you can do to get the best deal possible.

If your business is interested in business space for rent in Overland Park, give a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park a call at 913-685-4100 to find out about our office space options!